black lives matter.

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i am a young white lesbian living in america. i am ashamed of what other white people, specifically cops have done. i am ashamed to be apart of a race of people who treat other human beings like shit. george floyd and many other beautiful black humans, did not and do not deserve to die. the color of your skin doesn't mean anything, it shouldn't make you any lesser of a person. i do also acknowledge that i have privilege and i am blessed to be able to walk down a street without fearing police officers, the people who are supposed to serve and protect. these people are cold blooded killers, don't call it police brutality, call it MURDER. because that's what it is. the world could be so beautiful, but people like derek chauvin, do not deserve to walk this earth. do onto others what you would want done onto you.

i am not black, but i see you.
i am not black, but i hear you.
i am not black, but i stand with you.

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