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"David, that whole fucking album is about you."

"What did you do to her?"

"Why can't you talk to her?"

"What happened with you and Jeff?"

"Why was Addisons cheek bruised at the party?"

"Why'd she run that night?"

"Did she reject you?"

"Are you and Jeff good?"

These were the many statements David Dobrik had heard since Addisons album came out two days ago. He was laying in bed when he got a notification she had posted. Natalie came in his room as he read all the song names.

"Do you wanna listen to it?"

"Yeah." David connected to his speaker and clicked play.

Every song, beside Anastasia, had hints to David. There was no way it wasn't about him. When he heard Letter to You is when he broke down. Natalie left the room, per his demand. The lyrics were directed toward him and he knew it.

disregard everything that i said, and take this as a letter to you
it's been you for a while now, i just didn't know what to do
the way you make me feel is indescribable
but the love i have for you is undeniable
i'm sorry about the road i tried to take
everything i did with him was fake
please don't hate me forever
because writing this album felt like it was now or never

It was obvious something was wrong, all of their friends could tell. But nobody wanted to speak on it, until one day Jeff came storming into the house.

"Please tell me you guys listened to the fucking album." Jeff slammed the front door.

Natalie, Taylor, David, Carly, Jason, and Erin sat on the couch and nodded slowly.

"It's about you, like the whole thing. There's little hints to me, but mostly you." Jeff pointed to David.

"Yeah, we've noticed that." Carly scoffed.

"Well don't fucking get mad at me!" Jeff yelled at Carly.

"What are you gonna do? Hit me like you hit my best fucking friend!" Carly stood up.

The room fell silent, Jeff was caught off guard by her statement.

"What?" Erin, Taylor, and Jason said in unison.

"You hit Addison?" Jason furrowed his eyebrows.

"Punched her right in the face." Carly pointed to her cheek.

David and Natalie sat in silence.

"I meant to hit David, not Addy. I would never!"

"Can someone explain what the fuck went on!" Erin grabbed Carlys arm.

"I told Jeff to stop talking to Addison because I thought I had feelings for her. Then at the second Halloween party Jeff was hooking up with her! So I came in and hit Jeff. He tried to hit me back and Addy got in the way and he fucking punched her!" they could all tell David was getting angrier.

"She brought me up there bro!" Jeff tried to reason, "I didn't want her!"

"You still kissed her!" David yelled.

"She did it to get back at you David!" Carly stepped in again.


"I told her about how you made Jeff cut her off. She felt offended because you weren't even sure if you liked her! That's why she went with Jeff!" Carly yelled.

That's when David froze. He dropped everything, grabbed his keys, and drove to her apartment.

Addison had spent the week home alone in her apartment, crying. She lost the best friend group she's ever had because of boy problems. Neither of the boys reached out after the album dropped, besides an Instagram comment. She didn't want to be the one to text them, because it wasn't her fault. They tried to fuck her over, whether they knew it or not.

She was laying in bed, reading and liking her fans comments when there was a knock at the door. It would probably be Stassie or Olivia, because she knew they wanted to come see her soon. When she walked to the door and opened it, her heart stopped beating. David motherfucking Dobrik.

"David, please no." she went to shut the door.

"Addy, give me a few minutes." he stuck his arm out to stop it from closing.

"Come in." she exhaled loudly and shut the door behind him.

He sat on the couch, taking his shoes off.

"Make yourself at home. she rolled her eyes and sat at the other end.

"The album was amazing." he half smiled.

"Thanks, it's about you. You and Jeff gave me a hell of a lot to write about." she let out a sarcastic laugh.

"Letter to You made me cry. I had to kick Nat out of my room to listen to it."

"That was the goal."

The two sat in silence for a few minutes, not knowing what to say.

"Why'd you come here Dave?" Addy broke the silence.

"You're my best friend, it's been hell not being able to pick you up to get food, or film stupid bits, or go to the beach."

"It's not gonna be like that again. Until we really talk about everything."

"Addy, I have feelings for you. I just didn't know what to do."

"But you never told me that! You made Jeff cut me off! Then I'm the one who gets fucking punched." she raised her voice.

"I didn't want to ruin our friendship! You think I wanted it to go this far? You even said in your song, what you had with Jeff was fake." he looked down.

"I wanted you David. You just never said anything, so I went with Jeff, who I thought liked me." she felt the tears come.

"Addy." he scooted closer to her.

The tears steamed down her face in what felt like gallons. He put his arm around her and ran his fingers through her hair as she shook in his hold.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry about everything I did." he held her face.

"I want you David." she choked on her words.

"I'm all yours." he leaned into her.

Their lips slowly fit together like puzzle pieces that have been longing to fit together. They moved in sync with each other. His lips tasted like the mint gum he always chewed, hers a sweet cherry that matched her chapstick.

Addy pulled back, smiling at his red face.

"I've wanted to do that for so long."

i feel like i kinda rushed their relationship
but i really wanted them to be togetherrrr

this is nowhere near the end though so
don't worry

Little Sister - david dobrik DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now