Love you forever- part 13

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past continues....
Arjun: I was shocked...without thinking twice,how papa fix that amount...he was ready to bear that loss,if something happened wrong means..
Next day Dadhu and papa are completely bussy in phone people are all in happy mood...i don't know why all are happy for that small per my knowledge,47 crores investment is not a big amount to dad and dadhu..
Arjun's Dadhi..
Dadhi:I remember that incident...but i don't know that figure was suggested by Radhu.. The amount or figure was not a big amount for us to invest in any projects..It was prestageous. because,it was dadhaji's dream project..and some of our rivals try to snatch that project from was not for money or was for the people who live in ooty tribal areas..
Days are going very fast..
One day dad was very bussy to go for office and mom asked dad to drop her at temple..
dad said he was so ask him don't come into temple just drop her infront of temple..Dad said please try to understand... this meeting is very important..i want to be on time to attend this meeting..he said it and left from there..Mom also follows him and stand at the entrance..Before dad enter into car..Radhu ran towards dad and ask him to bend..she tell something to dad and came towards mom..Radhu hold mom's hand and drag towards just side hug mom and kissed her on forehead..He said something to mom and left for office..After that mom kissed Radhu and Radhu gave kisses to mom..
Mom ask Rana kaka to prepare sweet dish.. kheer.. which is Radhu's favourite..
Then,i ask mom i want sweet,which is my favourite...halwa..
Mom asked me be calm for sometime Arjun.. today you eat kheer,tomarrow i can do your favourite dish..
I felt bad that mom and dad gave more importance to Radhu..i ran from kitchen to Dadhaji's room..
Dadhu and you are in your are bussy with your work and dadhu reads newspaper..
i stand infront of dadhaji with sad face and almost i am ready to cry..Dadhu saw me and ask me what happened?He drag me and placed me on his lap.. i told that Radhu snatch all things from me..He looked at me keenly and  asked me what she snatched from me?
I immediately told him that she snatch your attention and love towards me..She snatch my parents love..Dadhaji gave a small smile and ask me to go and play..
I dont know how to react for,i left from that place..After some time Dad came back.. Mom and Dad left from the mansion in traditional attire..almost in the evening they return back and found that Mom is too happy..
Dad came towards me and ask about Radhu..
I controlled my anger and said..i don't know about her..Dad ask our Watchman to call Radhu...and he starts playing chess with me.. When we are bussy in playing..Radhu hold Papa's hand and she made a move in the game instead of dad..Until then the game was in my favour and after that step i lost my game..actually that is the intelligent move.. Radhu sat on dad's lap..both play their game as one team..I ask Radhu why you help Dad... Then Radhu answer me..that she didn't accept Prema papa's defeat..At that time dad got call and ask her to continue the game..After that Radhu didn't look at me..I ask her Radhu,Why you are always on others side,why you can't take my side..?For that she answer me..on your side you have so many people and friends to take care of you..Then why me..? and i know i am not in your priority list..
At the same time Neil came there and drag her from that place..
I also followed them..They reached to Dadhaji's room..
Dadhu:Your mom complaint me that you didn't eat properly...why betaa..?
Neil:I know dadhu..She is on dieting..
Radhu:Someone called me Motu in the school..
Dadhu:Who are they to called you like that..?
At that time Zubin and Teji also came there..
Zubin:Dadhaji..that ..
Radhu:One of my classmate..leave that..
Dadhaji was not satisfied with her answer..
Radhu:Dadhu.. being motu was not good for a girl you know..
Dadhu:You are not are are bubbly and chubby..
Radhu kissed dadhaji and said to him that he is so sweet and someone special in her life.. by saying that she just ran away from that place..
Rana kaka...
Rana:Arjun beta...You know that day is your Badimaa and your papa's wedding anniversary..before prerana beti enter into your papa's life..he left all his business and all responsibilities and locked himself in his room..He loves Nandhini..but he didn't take care about her..After Prerana beti enter in his  life she try to bring him normal state..she take care of Nandhu like her own daughter.. For your dad it was marriage of Convince, Respect and Responsibility towards his family..For prerana beti the marriage was her life..She loves him..she care for him..But she never force him to accept her.. But,your mom knows how to change him in all prespectives..She do everything which make your papa smile..She forgot her birthday and clebrate your badimaa's birthday..she clebrate your papa and badimaa marriage anniversary...she celebrate your papa and badimaa first dating date also..she forget herself and start living for your papa and Nandhu..Your papa is not a stone..he slowly identify and recognise how selfless and responsible she was...he slowly make a babby steps to accept your mother wholeheartedly.. After that also your mother didn't take place of your badimaa..even your father gave it wholeheartedly..
That day is your papa and badimaa anniversary..Prerana beti want to do some pooja in temple and your papa completely forget about that day..prerana try to remember it to him..but he was too bussy in his works.. before that day your mom is dull, because he forgot about the most imporrant day and she didnt know how to tell it to your dad..and she ask me to make arrangements in temple for pooja and distribution of clothes..At that time Radhu ran towards your mother and give her a mom took it and ask her..Radhu you didn't play with your friends..?
Radhu looked at your mom face and asked her why you are so dull perana mom..Prerana beti didn't tell her anything and left from that place.
Radhu asked me what happened...why aunty is so dull..?At that time Nandhini came and tell to Radhu that Prem papa didn't remember something which is very important day for mom and she feel tense for that.. Radhu look at Nandhu and ask her to play with her.. After sometime Radhu called your papa from Nandhu phone and ask him to come home as early as possible..After that Radhu left from that place..But,i know def Radhu did maracle...
By listening this Arjun look at Dadhi with confused...Dadhi just smile..Neil and Sam share a eyelock and look towards dadhi..
Then dadhi said Radhu is pure soul beta..
Your dadhu always love her because...She first always think about others..he always said to me that Radhu is angle..Bcoz of Radhu only your Piyali aunty got share of her property and way into this house...  Dadhi look at Sam..
Dadhi:Your mom didn't tell about her love to your dadhu..She want to elope with Samrat,when your dadhu find grooms for her..But Samrat came and ask your mom hand for marriage.. Samrat's father expired when Samrat was small...His mother work in our company..your dadhu treats her like his own sister..Your dadhu knows that Samrat is good guy...but he disppoint for your mom's decission..He accept that proposal and give respect to your father as a Son-in-law of this house..moreover Smrat snd Prem are good friends...Your dadhu only help for Samrat's higher studies..But he didn't digest about your mom's decisdion..Your sadhu likes Samrat very much..If Piyali said it initially about her to your dadhu...he feels happy for that..but she choose to elope...because of that reason only he was angry on Piyali..But he ask Samart to start a new business in city.. After their marriage he only gave some amount  to Smrat and ask them to start their new life in City..My son also joined with them and help them until they  setteled in that place.. Every month he went to city and take care about them.. your dadhu help Samrat to expand his business...he was good with Smrat.. but he never talk with Piyali.. Slowly,Piyali starts modelling agencey..They both are bussy in their works..You are too small,when your mom starts her business.. Then  prem and prerana took your responsibility and they bring to this place.. Your Dadhu was so happy...he want to see you and hold you..But he was not ready to forgive your mom..Because of you,piyali also come to this place frequently..Your dadhu didn't stop her..but he didn't talk with her..
One day we want to go to that time Radhu came to us and ask your dadhu...take her to temple..then your dadhu ask her why she want to go for temple now..for that question Radhu said...because there is no charm in my dadhu and prem papa's i want to pray for them..When we are in the car..Radhu asked your Dadhu...
(conversation between Dadhu and Radhu)
R:Dadhu...Why prem papa and you are not happy from past two days...
D:How can you know..?
R:Whenever i am with you and papa my heart felt happy..But from past two days onwards you are not happy..Prem papa looks so sad..
D:Nothing is just work tension..
for that Radhu gave a small smile and said...
R:Dadhu you and Prem papa never felt work as,it is not related to work.You try to overcome something..and it is not possible for you.. Whatever it passes like a cloud.. don't think too much dadhu..take a chance and go with a flow..i learnt it from you only..But don't be kills me dadhu..
After that we complete our temple visit and return back to home..Your dadhu told me that he take one decission..I look at him with unknown fear..He just smiled at me and said to me.. that he want to forgave Piyali and want to give her share of property to her..He discuss that issue with Prem.. immediately Prem help his father to complete the formalities..After that Prem askes your papa about his decission and ask him how he changed his decission..
(The conversation between Father and Son)
Son:Papa..i am happy that you forgive Piyali..
Father:Its your give her share of property to her..
S:Ofcourse..but you said..that you are not intreasted..
F:But..To day morning...Radhu said give a positive chance to the issue which disturbed us..She said that..she feel sad..when she saw our gloomy faces..She said that..there is no happiness in our faces..she want to see that happiness..I want to give that happiness to her..
S:Really,she knows that we are not in good mood..she feels bad for know papa,i didn't realise that i didn't talk with her or play with her..She is angle..she shows solutions only with her Smile..She is my kidoo..
F:Why you love her so much?
S:I don't know exact answer..but i love her.. She is my angle..
F:Yes,she is...and she said that..if we are not happy,something killed her..and ,i don't want to repeat the same mistake again and again.. talk about your sister i.e my Bua..
F:Yes,my son..i did a same mistake at that time..without giving her a second chance..Radhu said  to me give a second chance and  sometimes take a second option..
you know dadhi,Nandhu dhi also always with Radhu only..Every day Radhu came to our house and gave two choclates to Nandhu..One day i ask dhi why Radhu gave two choclates to her..Dhi said one is for her and one is for her friend..By saying that she ask me..yow want to meet my friend..?I nod my head..Then dhi said ok..Neil,Sam and you ready to meet my friend in evening..In evening,we three are waiting for dhi..she just came back from college and we together start in our car..She is so happy..The car stop in front of a small park..We all get down from the car and followed dhi..There i saw Radhu sit on a bench and chit chat with Jiju..I was shocked to saw Radhu in that park.. and we saw jiju before also..but we didnt knew that dhi's best friend is jiju..On that day dhi tell us about her love and about jiju..but we are shocked because..Radhu know it before us..
I got angry on Nandhu dhi and ask dhi why you didn't tell it to us before..How Radhu know about this..?Dhi and Jiju gave a small smile.. but didn't tell anything..But we like jiju and we enjoyed a lot..
Niel:Ha dadhi..really we are Nandhu dhi told that much important news to Radhu...not to us..
Sam:Ha dadhi..but..Neil told to me.. don't ask anything to dhi..
Nandhu and Akash walk by holding their hands and look at Arjun,Neil and Sam..
Nandhu:I think,I miss so many things..
Rana:Why you are back too early?
Akash:We didn't attend the party..Nandhu forget her,we came back and listen all things told by Arjun..
Arjun:Actually,jiju..I Love Radhu..I came back to her only..
Nandhu:But,Radhu is too good for you..If you promise us..that you take good care of Radhu in our absence,then we are ready to give our elder daughter's hand to you.
Nandhu:What you say about it Dadhi..?
Dadhi gave a small smile..
Dadhi:I agree with you Nandhu..
Akash:We support your love..but we don't force it on win your love with your love only..if..Radhu is not ready to accept you..then i am on her side only..
Nandhu:I support your Jiju..
Dadhu:I support Akash..
Neil:Arjun,win her heart and love at any cost..
Sam:Arjun..she told me yesterday..if we have feelings on anybody..then directly express those feelings to them.. don't take some other directlly go and propose her..
Rana:How can Arjun beta go and directly propose to her..?If he want to propose her..first, he want to rectify his mistake..
By saying this he look Arjun..Arjun look at all without any expression on his face.

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