Part Ten

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Precinct 32's confrontational team had a tradition: if you survive a month on the job, everyone goes to Costello's- a pub two blocks down the street from the precinct- to celebrate. It was even a work-sanctioned event, with Captain Ross agreeing to take over the duties of the Hunters for the early half of the night. So, a month since her first day, October stood in the crowded street before Costello's, Jasper at her side.

"This is it here." Her breath bloomed in the cool nighttime air as she stared at the sleek mahogany door of the hole-in-the-wall. It had been, admittedly, a while since she spent time recreationally in a large group. Her gaze stretched up to find Jasper's for reassurance. "You ready?" He answered her with a smile that sang through the dim, and held open the door.

Costello's was busy for a spot that catered mostly to regulars, and had a smokey, boozy atmosphere that screamed 'take the night off! You'll deal with the hangover tomorrow'. Several bodies were in the way of October's vision, so she called to her partner. "Do you see them?"

Easily peering over the mob, he answered. "Back corner." Together, they maneuvered through the throng, October slipping between people and Jasper trying not to bowl anyone over with his shoulders. As they passed the bar, making their way to the calmer back, two young men with identical blue eyes, mischievous fanged smiles, and floppy chestnut hair rushed in front of October.

"Is this our little miss Hauntings?" The one on the left spoke excitedly with a slight European accent, and the one on the right answered immediately with the same voice and somehow even more energy.

"Of course she is, look at those eyes!"

Raising a brow 'little miss Hauntings' asked. "And you are?"

"Cooper." The left one said smoothly.

"And Connor!" Added the right on with a small hop and a wink.

Then together they finished: "Avrin."

The realization smacked October in the face as she exhaled. "Oh! From the night shift!"

"That's right." Said Cooper, before Connor lowered his voice to gossip-level.

"Now we've been dying to ask..." His eyes jumped back and forth between the girl and his brother, as if making sure the coast was clear. "How much do you bench?"

A bit flustered under the twin's stares, as well as Jasper's slight wonderment emanating from above she muttered. "Well, I don't usually..." Then, thinking that these two before her would probably never let something like this go, she caved. "I'm up to forty-one hundred."

"Holy hell." Connor reeled back, impressed, before glancing to his brother. "How much can you do, Coop?"

"Nineteen-hundred on a good day."

"You're your father's daughter, all right." The twins shined their pearly whites, and the comment softened the Hunter before them.

"That means a lot."

Cooper tossed his head toward the bar. "Have a drink?"

"Sure." October agreed with a slight hesitancy, turning up to look at Jasper, not wanting to abandon him. He caught the meaning in her gaze, and tilted his head toward their previous destination.

"I'll go sit with Mac and Wilder."

All October could do was send him a quick nod, before the twins were dragging her away. Jasper exhaled sharply through his nose, at least somewhat entertained, before finally reaching the large, circular wooden table with a copy of the Hunter's Handbook holding up one of the legs.

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