Part Twenty - Epilogue 3/3

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Epilogue III: Fifteen years later, 2311AD

The audience at the graduation ceremony was abuzz, but perhaps no two parents were as excited as Hunters October Hauntings and Jasper Drolden. Tapping her husband on the arm, leaning every which way to try and get the best view of the stage through the crowd, October checked.

"You remembered the camera?"

Grinning, Jasper placed a calming hand on his wife's back. "You're freaking out a little bit, babe."

For the first time letting her gaze wander from the ceremony she peeked up at her partner, genuinely unsure. "Am I?"

He caught her eyes, explaining. "That's the third time you asked me about the camera."

"Oh." Noticing her twisting her wedding band and bouncing in her shoes, Jasper bent down to kiss his wife on the head, and promised.

"Nothing's going to go wrong, October. We raised him right."

Their attention zeroed in on the stage as the ceremony entered the section for accolades. The same wrinkled man who had presented both of them as officers over a decade ago cleared his throat, addressing the crowd proudly through echoing speakers. "The award for highest honors for the Wrathfell Police Academy Class of 2311 goes to..." October grasped her husband's hand as the name they were dying to hear boomed over the system. "Noah Hauntings-Drolden."

Bursting with excitement, October squealed. "Get the picture!"

Camera already raised, Jasper responded. "On it."

As Noah, never again tiny, scared, or helpless walked over to accept his certificate, October lifted her younger son onto her shoulder with one hand. "Can you see your brother, David?" Ten year old David- named after his great grandfather on his Dad's side, a little small for his age but with gangly limbs he'd certainly grow into, and signature purple eyes- nodded.

With a squeeze to the boy's shoulder, his father suggested. "You could be up there too someday, y'know."

Grinning toward her husband, wondering if she had ever been happier, October added. "It's the family business, after all."

An hour later, families and friends of the graduates milled about the field of Wrathfell Stadium where the ceremony had taken place. Noah, having just given a handshake to virtually every member of his class, was the very best kind of exhausted as he entered October's line of sight. As soon as she found those kind red eyes, the mother sprinted toward her son, voice thrumming with love and pride.

"Noah, honey! We're so proud of you!" October wrapped her arms around her boy and squeezed, so overwhelmed with joy, she wasn't entirely thinking about her strength.

From above her head, Noah croaked: "Um, Mom, you're crushing me-!"

With a gasp, October leapt away. "Oh, Christ!" Her hands flew to her mouth, as the new graduate held onto his ribs. "I didn't break anything did I?"

Smiling through a wince, Noah shrugged. "Maybe just some bruising." From afar- not nearly as good at weaving through crowds as his tiny wife- Jasper watched the exchange, and finally joined the pair with David in tow.

Beaming, the father held his arms wide to his eldest. "C'mere, rascal. I promise I won't send you to the hospital." With a laugh, Noah let himself be swept into another, gentler, hug. Jasper ruffled his hair, willing away tears at what his son had grown into. "We're so proud of you, Noah."

The young man found himself fending off the same emotion as he whispered. "Thanks, Dad." Then, a scuffle by his feet let him know that his younger brother was rushing up. Noah crouched down, welcoming the boy. "Davie!" David wasted no time in flinging himself around his idol's waist, and Noah laughed for a moment- before his face contorted once more into a wince of pain. "Ow."

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