Part Fourteen

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Lucky for their nerves, the partner's next day off came swiftly. However, they still planned to spend it together, fulfilling a promise made after a certain night of drinking.

October pulled up before Jasper's apartment in the shaky, rusted car she had inherited from her father, windows rolled down. It was ninety degrees out- one of those December heatwaves that had become common in the 2200s. A minute early, she hopped from the car and leaned against it before the building, basking in the heat.

Jasper heard the coughing of her vehicle's exhaust from his window, and took a moment to study her figure before greeting her below. In her uniform, October was a sight that he enjoyed every day. Now, in an orange sundress with her half-up hair tumbling over her collarbone and the slightest shine of gloss across her lips, she was so angelic, he nearly didn't trust his vision.

His partner had a similar experience once he jogged down the steps to meet her. Jasper had dressed up too, of course, with slacks and a crisp white button down, rolled up to his elbows, revealing his strong forearms. The winter sun glinted in his smiling eyes as he joined her, and the devil in her brain couldn't stop thinking, what if he kissed you right now?

But despite their looks, this wasn't a date, and they piled in the car with an entirely different destination in mind.

October's childhood home and current residence of one Captain Hauntings was nestled in one of the nicest neighborhoods in Wrathfell. It actually had a front and back yard, with neatly clipped fresh grass that let you know the land was loved and fawned over compulsively. The house itself was a creamy off-white two story, with not a spot of wear on the panelling allowed to exist for more than a month. The moment it became clear where they would be parking, Jasper wondered if he was ever meant to enter a place like this. Yet when he looked to his stunning partner, all worry drained away.

Stepping confidently from the car, October waved him along the stone mosaic path to the front, slipping a key from her purse. As she pushed the jangling door with the ribboned wreath aside, she shined a smile back toward her partner, encouraging him to let go of his anxiety. Entering the house- that was dressed minimally with birch-wood furniture and open so as to make the place seem even larger- October slipped off her flats, pointing for Jasper to do the same.

He struggled not to become distracted by how he had never actually been in a home this nice, as October's call echoed through the idyllic peace. "Captain?"

From across the building came a husky answer. "Is that you, October?"

Searching the hall she answered her father. "Yeah, where are you?"

"Sunroom. Trying to fix this damn door." Captain Haunting's daughter rolled her eyes, motioning for Jasper to follow her through the spacious living room as she whispered.

"That door's been crooked and squeaky for years, and he never cared." Shaking her head she grinned. "The lengths that retirement has driven him to..." The sunroom- a circular windowed area blanketed with stainless shag carpeting and bordered by wicker chairs- jutted out into the just-as-perfect backyard with a classic picket fence. Captain Hauntings, in his barrel-chested graying-haired glory, was on a stool, fussing with the top hinges of the outer door.

Not sparing a glance away from his task, he held out an open hand behind him, aimed at a few tools spread out on the floor. "Can you hand me that screwdriver?"

October bent down to help. "Which one? Flathead or phillips?"

"Flathead. I've almost got this done." Gingerly placing the correct item into his large palm, October returned to her minuscule height with a casual tone.

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