A New Beginning

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Thomas lay silently in his bed starring at the starry night sky. Tomorrow was his big day. His first day of being a runner. Ever since Thomas arrived at the glade he had dreamt of being a runner but he knew the runners were elite. The wise, the strong, the brave and what was Thomas? The newbie. The newbies never got a chance to prove themselves, he knew there was no chance he would become a runner. Not in a million years. But tomorrow, tomorrow was the day he finally gets to prove himself, to show the rest of the gladers just because he's the greenie doesn't mean he isn't as capable of being as smart and as brave as the rest of them. It was his chance to shine. But most of all Newt. He was running with Newt, the only person in the glade that seemed to like him after his arrival 2 weeks ago. Thomas only had around three friends in the glade: Newt, Minho and Chuck. Minho was a runner and a very good one at that and Chuck, Chuck was a small boy, quite round and plump, he wasn't really good at much in the glade but he was nice to talk to whenever Thomas needed someone (which was quite often).
Hours passed and Thomas was still awake dreading what awaited him inside the maze but still, excitement overrunning his whole body. He wondered if he'd be able to keep up with Newt who had been a runner for 2 years, since the day he arrived actually, he was one of the first gladers ever, probably why he was second in command after Alby, a rather bulky boy with a big build.
Finally he drifted off into a restless sleep. Thomas finally woke after what seemed like years, drenched in sweat. He crawled out of bed and started to get dressed with the ounce of energy he had left in his aching body. Eventually making his way out of the homestead and towards the life threatening maze. The time has finally come.

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