CHAPTER 6: Steak, Beer and the Dance Floor

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They planned on going to a restaurant and there after Alex, Lisa and Leigh were going to the club while Lisa was getting dressed for the night her phone buzzed. She got the e-mail that Nikki had promised with her schedule on, she decided not to read it as it would cause her to stress unnecessary.


Alex had made the reservation at a restaurant his best friend owned, he claimed they made the best steak and that it goes down well with beer, so they all decided to take his word on it and try the place out. He arrived early so that his friend and he could catch up and that type of thing. They spoke for about 20 minutes before Mr and Mrs Hale arrived. It was the first time that he was meeting Leigh’s parents, he felt as if he was Leigh’s boyfriend but he soon figured that they were really chilled people. Mr Hale was telling him about Adam and what he had all said that day, but there were a table of women who kept signalling to him that they had a seat open but wasn’t he glad to see Lisa and Leigh. 

“You look nice” Alex said to Lisa as she got to her seat.

He got up placed his hand on Leigh’s lower back and kissed her cheek, in the same motion he told her to play along. He pulled out her chair and helped her push it back in again. He nodded his head in the direction of the women at the other table and sat down.

“What on earth came over you, are you dying or something?”  Leigh asked Alex laughing slightly.                                                                                                                                                                                           “Don’t look now but there’s a table of about 6 women behind you that were giving me signals for me to join them and I got scared so I used you to let them stop” he answered blushing.                                 “Wait so Alexander Brown just turned down a table of women, are you sure you not dying?” Leigh asked a bit more serious than before.                                                                                                                  “They look old enough to be my grandmother are you crazy?” Alex answered Leigh while taking her hand in his and rubbed his fingers over her knuckles.

The group of women walked past their table one winked at him, another dropped a page on the table and the last on stopped and said:                                                                                                               “If there was no one in this place I’d bang you so hard you would have though you a canon”.                                                                                                                                                                                                   Alex was never one to get shy he was always bold and out there, but at that moment if the earth could swallow him he would have gladly jumped into its mouth. Laugher filled the table as soon as the last lady left the restaurant and Alex did not find it funny not one bit. After a couple of drinks and the meal they left the restaurant really impressed, Mr and Mrs Hale agreed with Alex that the steak was the best they had ever eaten and it was good with beer. They said there good byes and soon they were off to the club.


“Let’s get this party started, it’s so bad that the last time I was in a club was about 7 months ago that arse kept me away from this great place” she said making dancing eye brows making Leigh laugh.

They stood in the line at the club in silence, this was a big moment for all of them, Lisa hasn’t been to the club in 7 months and both Leigh and Lisa have never been to the club with Alex before. They all used Leigh’s car because she doesn’t drink and she had a mission and that was to make Lisa drunk. When they arrived at the door of the club the bouncer was one of Lisa’s school friends and allowed them in for free.

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