Part 1

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Nightmare POV

All I could remember was my baby sister dream getting all the love all the care and kindness I on the other had didn't get so much off that I was the prince off negative feelings so I was only around with dream because off our mother and the people's.

I was really jealous off my sister but what can I do after awhile our mother passed away and dream and me didn't want to rule the kingdom so we made our own little promise's to each other.

That's when dream gave me her dream Apple and everyone off her apple's turned to negative apple's the people where pissed off and started to run at me.

I seen my beloved sister get beaten down I couldn't take it anymore I bite the apple and turned into a living killing nightmare I looked at my sister as she looked and I told her never forget who I was.

Dream looked at me and try to fight me but it didn't end well I hurt my close friend and my baby sister but a part off me said this is what she gets she was everyone's favourite.

Protecter off dream's everyone loved her I slammed my sister into the wall and teleport away to make my own kingdom and to make a gang called the bad sans.


I was late for work dream and blue was calling for help the bad sans had been spotted so I teleport where they where fighting and I knocked error and dust down as I teleport next to horror and restrained them with Gary paint as I snapped my finger's as the paint turned into chains as I did this to the other's.

Use two alright there need me to healing you from anything?

Blue just said she fine and walked over to see dust okay did I miss something here are those two together or something.

As I kneeled down to dream I seen her leg and arm was bleeding so I started to healing her wounds as I was healing Dream I felt eye's watching me and closely.

I looked to see who it was and it was dream brother name nightmare I see he was blushing as he looked away.

Okay that's new I guess.

Dream POV

I was to tired to think straight but I noticed my brother nightmare looking at my friend ink up and down I was shocked to see him also blushing at one point.

What the heck happened when I was out in a few minutes.

Ink I think my brother has a crush on you can you try and talk to him I want to see how he reacts to you so ink did as I say and to my shocked face he was trying to calm down but he couldn't.

So my brother has a crush on inky we teleport the bad sans to nightmare castle and nightmare along with them.

This will be fun.

Blue POV

When we got back I noticed that dream had this smirk on her face as to say she found a big thing as I asked her what she found out she told us that her brother has a crush on inky we both looked at ink and she was blushing trying to hide her face.

Umm but how do you know that I didn't see him blushing I was to busy with Dust as I said his name and blushed like a tomato.

After we talked about what to do I kinda feel bad for inky dream wants to make ink betray us so she can spend time with her bro to see if they got any plans for us and the au's.

I sigh and hope for the best maybe Nightmare and inky will make peace.

Inky POV

Um okay so how will this plan work I asked Dream and she just smiled and said look down as I did there was a portal leading to Nightmare castle the floor closed up and I fell down into the roof and made a hole my once best friend was shocked I cough up blood as I had to lay down for a min cross look at me and walked over.

I try to get up but couldn't my body hurt's so much that if I move I won't be able to walk.

Cross: inky what happened to you why you all hurt .?

As I try to talk I pointed up to see that the portal was still there as Dream throw down my stuff and mind link me saying please forgive me and help my brother be normal again.

Cross also seen the hate in dream eye as the portal close.

Cross POV

What the hell is going on with Dream as I looked at my old friend I picked her up and had tear's rolling down my face as I put inky on my bed I started to healing her she just smiled a little but not a smile that looked happy to see me.

Inky are you okay what happen to you to get so hurt as the other's come back from a mission horror ran to my room and yelled why I have not cooked any food for them that's when nightmare said what the fuck happen to the roof.

I sighs and looked at inky she was having a fever I was scared so I yelled at horror to go get a cool blow off water and a dry towel as he ran down Nightmare came up to see why I was yelling until he noticed inky.

The look that nightmare was so horrific that he ran over and hugged her I smiled at this as horror came back and helped me and nightmare.

Dust POV

As I was texting blue she told me everything how Dream pushed inky down into nightmare castle I was shocked to know she done that to her best friend as I was texting more to blue I heard horror asked me what I was doing so I told him and he said oh.

After that I got hungry so I was the one that made food for everyone blue helped me with cooking lessons it was so fun.

That's when my phone went ding I picked it up and see that it was Dream and cross I smirked and walked to cross and said if you don't want to help me cook then I won't show him and Dream kissing to Nightmare cross was worried that I will so he gave up and went into the Kitchen and started cooking as blue giggles

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