The Curveball

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The guy at the counter set down the cold delicasy on our table, and winked at us before he went back to clean some counters.

"Thanks Brie! This looks positively delicious."

Her eyes were larger than my stomach as she stared at the cold reward i had purchased for her friendship.

Her cute tongue trailed along her soft pink lips like a train on a track.

She seemed strangely hungry.. Ravenous actually.

I hope she's not one of those girls who goes crazy when they eat sugar..

Then i noticed as she took a small spoonfull for taste. She did this a few times as if she were nervous about being a slob.

These small spoonfulls, however, were taken in quickly, and it wasn't long before Olivia got a...


She squinted tightly as she rubbed against her small temples to warm up.

"Here try this", I said trying to catch her attetion from the mini icy hell she was going through.

She looked up at me with her gorgeous watering eyes as i placed my thumb in the roof of my mouth.

After she did it, i removed my thumb and said, "It should warm you up faster."

She giggled lightly as a scarlet chagrin creeped across her face much like any unwanted visitor would.

I Smirked a little at her embarassment. It was cute. I noticed she wanted me to forget the image when she started asking questions.

"Well Miss Brieanna, how sore are you today?" Olivia playfully said to me reffering to practice from the day before.

I began to rub up and down my arms as I recalled the soreness.

"Some of the worst pain I've ever felt", I answered, reffering to the terrible beatings from my mother, not the far less terrible in comparisson practice.

Olivia smiled at me as she took a large spoonful of the ice cream and filled her cute mouth with it.

She must really want me to forget her brain freeze; She seems to have forgotten it herself.

I leaned back and waited for another freak reaction from her as her eyes widened and cheeks elongated.

Suddenly, she just swallowed, and it was all gone.

"Phew! Barely escaped that one." She announced loudly enough so that the guy behind the counter could hear.

I peered over at him as he snickered a little at Olivia's wild remark.

She was so strange, but I couldn't pull myself away from her if my life depended on it.

She rarely ever frowned and I envied her ability to do so. She was positively perfect, and she seemed to have no idea what real pain was.

That lucky girl..

"How about you? Are you sore?" I then asked.

"Nah. I don't get sore really easy. But if it's something I've never done before, or if it's quite vigorous, then all up under my boobs and in my ribs hurt like a bitch."

She then set her spoon down and formed her fingers into an L-shape and motioned them over her rib cage which she enlarged with a heavy breath for an easier view.

Upon looking down, she noticed a drop of chocolate syrup had dripped onto her large chest.

How did I not notice that?

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