Chapter 1

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Nichole's POV

I woke up in a room with giant metal walls. I remember every thing except how I got here.

     My friends, Mary, Noell and I were practicing our instruments before school. Mary plays the violin, Noell plays the cello, and I play the cello too. We were playing our favorite song Allegro "Creatures of Prometheus". On the last four measures there was a scale that was really hard even for me the first chair cello, we went through the song at least 5 times but the last time we did, the scale was PERFECT. Just as we finished the last bow stroke Mary and Noell both fell out of their chairs unconscious.

      I suddenly felt a sharp pain in the back of my neck. BAM!! I dropped it, I kneel down and pick up the broken pices of my beautiful cello and everything went black.

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