Chapter 4

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  • Dedicated to My best friend Cayte

Noell's POV

      I woke up with a terrible pain in my neck. I hoestly have no idea where I am. The last thig I remember was practicing in the orchestra room at school and nothing after that. I wonder how i got here and who did it.


        Days went by and no one came for me. Except when..... they (whoever they is) brought me food three times a day and a new outfit. The food was exquisite, diffrent gourmet meal every five hours. The clothes on the other hand is a white t-shirt, black yoga pants, and a change of bra and underpants every other day.

        Life here is so bland and I don't even know where here is.

        Untill one day a red light in the celling started flashing and  a really loud siren went off. "Now this is the adventure I was looking for!!!!" I yelled so I can hear myself. All of a sudden the space where I was standing fell out from under where I was standing and I fell with it on to a slide going who knows where. It was actually quite fun!

        It sounds like there were people screaming, other people not just me. They sounded close by as if they were in a slide right next to mine. The voices sound like Marya and James, they must be here too! I wonder if my other friends are here?

         After a while the screaming stoped and and the slide started to slow down. That's when I realized this wasn't a slide at all, it was a platform moving us down a long tunnel.

        Suddenly it stoped, and a huge door opened in front of me. The platform started to rise and it flung me into a room with nice carpet and a really nice couch.

         I was looking around the room when I heard more people topple in here.

        "Well that was plesent." I heard one of them say. I know that voice, I thought. I turned around slowly....... all of my friends were there!

        I ran over and I tripped on top of all of them. "Oh i'm so glad all of you are here!" I thought I was going to start crying.

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