Chapter 2

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Darwin's POV

A loud booming noise woke me up.

I jump, and of course hit my head on piece of wood above my bed. Then, the screaming. My eyes widened with fear, as I scurried out of bed and to the living room window.

Outside, there was a giant crater in the middle of the side walk leading up to my house. I sliped on my shoes and sprinted outside. I look down and about three feet down is a little black box. I jump in and land with a thud.

When I get back inside my house I realise there was no lid. It was just a hallow black box, so I put it on my bed when I returned to my room. I turned on the light, and looked at it, it looked like any other 'box' would. Like..... Like a box....

A box, with a tiny button on the bottom.

I'm pretty afraid to press it, I watch movies, and nothing ever good happens with buttons. But, it was tempting, you know, it was small, but red.


Well, no 'emergencies'.

Well, better not press it. I think that's a pretty good decision.

Or maybe I should.

I woke up in the middle of the night and the box was glowing an erie green. I thought I heard a voice in my head. "Come closer Darwin. Let me out of here. Come closer Darwin." The box had me in some sort of trance. I got up, and slowly walked over to the box. I try and fight it but it was no use. I reach over and press the button.
As soon as I let my finger off the button I snapped out of it. "Oh no!" I wispered "What did I do?!?" The top of the box poped open and a green fog started spilling out of it.
I looked at it closer and last thing I rember seeing was a man in a dark suit towering over me. One glimps and every thing went black.

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