Chapter 5

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  • Dedicated to My best friend Mikayla

Maraya's POV

        I got dropped into this weird tube/slide type thing and at the bottom I got flung into a room with a really nice couch. I was still adjusting to the bright light when Noell triped on top of all of us. Once we all recovered after being seperated for so long, the questions started.

        "Ok, ok does anyone know why we are here?" Nichole asked. She seemed to be handling this very well.

        "I don't think any of us do."  Lo sighed, "They kind of took us by suprise." "Nooooooooo, I totally saw this commig." Mary said. She was always being sarcastic.

        "Guys! The last thing we need to be doing is fighting. We are all by ourselves, our mommys aren't coming to save us. We are all going to have to get along and work together if we're going to get out of here." Nichole said as if we were going to be playing in state for basketball or something. She started to sound worried. But if she was she was hiding it really well.

        "So does anyone have a plan?" James asked quietly. "Ummmm...." I said, " it doesn't look like there are any seals on the wall. No weld marks even. Thats impossible!" I started walking around the walls and examining them.

         I noticed everyone was staring at me, their jaws were on the floor and I had a guess why.

        I was failing all of my architect classes. They didn't know that my parents are genusis. I blushed and slunk back into the corner when I noticed there was a glass window up above us. There was an observation deck, someone was watching us!

        Everyone was trying to find a way out of here and I tried to speak up. "Um.... Guys" I said quietly, "Guys!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

        They all stop mid sentence and directed their attention to me.

         "I think we are being watched."

         "What?" they all said. "There is and observation deck up there." I whispered so they didn't hear me, " I think if we tell them we know they are there they might give us some answers."   

        "All right let's do this." I said. Our plan was ago.     

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