Chapter 3

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  • Dedicated to My best friend Ali

Marie's POV

         I had a concert during school with all of my best friends, Darwin and James playing the base, Marya, Noell and Nichole on the cello, Lauren on the piano (we call her Lo for short), and Mary and I on the violin. 

         I was at the breakfast table tryig to eat when I get a phone call from Marya. " Mary, Nichole, and Noell are missing!!!" she screamed at me before I could get any words out. " WAIT! Slow down." I tired to calm her down, but I guess it didn't work.

         "Ok. I walked in the orchestra room because we were going to all meet here to practice. But there was no one here and their instruments are out and on the floor." Marya paused for a second , "Oh my gosh!" "What!? What is it!?" I noticed I was starting to yell. There was a long silence. "Nichole's cello is shattered." she said.

        My heart droopped to the floor.That cello was the last thing Nicholes' mum gave to her before she passed away last year. "I'll be right there." I said and I hung up. I was on my bike and half way to the school when a black car started followng me. I tried to speed up but the car was going faster than me. If it didn't slow down it' s goig to hit me!

        I was going as fast as I could. Suddenly my bike hit a soft shoulder and I went flying into the ditch. I look at my arm and it's all covered in blood, I start to see stars and possibly hillusinations because the people in the car start comming towards me and I pass out.

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