Chapter 6

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  • Dedicated to My best friend Lauren

Lauren's POV

        Who would've kown that Marya was an architect mastermind! She came up with a plan that all the rest of us would'nt have been able to come up with i a million years. It pays off to be so quiet, you notice way more.

        "Ok. You all know the plan right?" Marya said.

        There was a scattered yeah throughout us all.

        "All right, lets go!" Marya yell whispered. We gathered up the home made clubs and sling shots and went to separate corners of the room and Nichole was in the middle.

        "Hey, we know you are watching us!" Nichole yelled, "And what ever you throw at us, we are ready for it! We are going to get out of here even if we die trying! READY..... FIRE!!!"

        We all get out tour sling shots and fire at the window. After a while I started to see a crack in the window. I had to let them know.

        "Guys! I see a crack inn the window aim there, maybe it'll cave in!" I yelled.

        The crack started getting bigger.

And bigger.

And bigger.

        Then............. CRASH!!!!! We all ducked. And I think I heard a couple of people fall into the room and a couple of cracks which wasn't good for them.

        I ran over and got the rope I made out of  sheets from the beds, with a leg from the couch as the hook. We all gathered around and I threw up the rope as if it were a grapling hook and we all climbed up.

        When we were all safeup in the observation deck I couldn't belive what I saw.

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