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An excerpt from Emmett's Journal:

"He was the starry night-sky of paradise,

Whence he gleam'd like the moonlit sunrise,

A sprite like spirit, in fair

Like dusky Dawn's colour, his hair;

His eyes reflect the clouds thousand,

Strung delicately and perfectly roused,

But in all other things, too, beguiled

Like moth to a flame, enticed;

A fleeting moment, he's gone away,

My heart in his embrace faraway.

Thence he smiled in glee,

A man left alone to be,

Though his sweet expressions lie'd,

His form held firmness and pride,

With the world's bitter embers at his feet,

 Festooned like gems in a fleet,

He was designed with foresight for a skill,

And music to the ears his voice of will,

With something to live and light,

Never did I see darkness so bright."

Author'sNote-This poem has been taken from Pastel Paean. If you like it and would want to read more, you can check it out. (harmless self-promotion, I know) 

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