I'm skipping the measurements page because I don't need to know that.

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Jessie's POV

"Okay, you're good to go." I said as Alyssa got up from the table and murmured a quiet 'thanks' before leaving the room and leaving me finally alone.

Once again, I reorganized my bag and pulled it onto my back before heading to the meeting room, opening the door to see chaos in the meeting room from all of the players, and the staff standing away from them.

I started to walk over to the staff before I got pulled backwards.

"Woah!" I exclaimed as I fell backwards.

"Hi Jessie!" Kelley yelled.

"Ow. It'd be helpful if you didn't try to injure the only trainer on sight." I said.

"Oh, sorry." Kelley said.

"Well, I would love to stay and talk but I have to speak with Vlatko."


"To ask why he didn't tell me that he hasn't hired anymore trainers."

"Okay, you go do that," Kelley saod as she helped me up.

"Hey, Vlatko."

"Hi, Jessie."

"I have a quick question for you,"

"Yes, what is it?"

"Am I the only trainer on sight?" I asked.

"Yes you are. We are looking for more people to hire, but I am very thankful that you accepted."

"Okay. I have a background in nutrition so I could handle being a trainer and doing nutrition stuff if you'd like me to." I offered.

"Are you sure that's not too much?" Vlatko asked me.

"Yes, I used to do nutrition in college for a few of the women's teams so I'm familiar with it." I told the older man.

"Okay, would you like anything in return?" He asked.

"No thank you. Just the chance of getting here is amazing. You wanna bet who will figure out I'm a girl first?" I asked.

"I'm thinking $20 on Becky or Alyssa." Vlatko said.

"Okay, I'll go with $20 for Tobin or Sam." I said as we shook.

"Interesting choices. The bus is here lets get this lot onto the bus."

"Okay. Let's go."

I gave him one last nod before adjusting the bag on my back and walking back over to the player.

"Ladies! Its time to go, come on. I know that y'all don't like running." I yelled as they all stopped their side convos and started shuffling out the door.

"So Jessie, what do you do for fun?" Julie asked me as she and Christen started walking with me.

"Oh I don't know. I usually just take naps and lay around my friend's houses because I bounce around a lot since I don't have a steady income or a stable place that I'm living in so I'm very thankful that Vlatko gave me this job."

"You and Zach would be great friends. He plays for the Eagles." Julie told me.

"Oh cool, I'm from Philly." I told the blonde.



We all got onto the bus and I sat down in an empty row of seats, putting my bag down and grabbjng out the folders that had all of the team's health information and started to read since I hadn't had a chance to yet.

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