I feel like I don't know you anymore.

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Jessie's POV

It was a new day. In fact it was the day before the friendly against sweden and it was a day off, meaning that I could go explore Columbus, Ohio a little bit more by myself and not worry about any of the girls bugging me.

I got dressed in a pair of jean shorts, a graphic anime tee, a light jacket and a pair of mismatched socks to go with my bear up converse.

I put my wallet in my pocket and got ready to head out.

But first, I wanted to call my sisters.

"Hi Willow, just wanted to check up on you and Shelby. How's college?" I asked the older twin out of my two younger college aged sisters.

"We're doing okay. You never call. Did mom put you up to this?" Willow asked me.

"You got me. But seriously how's the campus. I heard that Loyola is supposed to be pretty this time of year."

"Well, it stopped snowing yesterday. The weather over here is crazy. But seriously, I expected having to call you."

"I know but for once I thought that I shouldn't be a fuck up and do something right."

"Shelby still doesn't want to talk to you. She doesn't understand why our parents still like you. Even after you left without a word your senior year."

"I know, I know. If I could take it all back I would but I was causing problems that affected the family where ever I went. I was trying to protect you guys."

"You could've told us where you went instead of dad finding you in a different state living a completely different life. A college phenom for being so smart. The next government specialty."

"I was scared."

"But you could've told us that you were under witness protective services."

"That's the thing. I really couldn't."

"Yeah but that psycho is in jail now. Come visit soon?"

"I'm still having trouble sleeping. It haunts me that I couldn't do anything and that I had to go into hiding. I just wanted what was best for everyone. In that case... it was disappearing."

"What if you hadn't gone away?"

"I-I don't know, okay? But it took five years for them to get him in jail. Five years that I would take back if I could, okay."

"It would've helped if you hadn't gone out of your way to keep up you boy act. Going as far as using binders? Are you sure that you don't want to be a boy? You could get fired for maskarading like this. Is all of this some sort of joke to you?"

"I'm willing to take that risk. Besides, I'm not famous, just another staff member. I told Vlatko and he's fine with it."

"Why are you so frustrating? I rea- yeah? I'm talking to our idiot of a sister. Okay, yeah. Jessie, Shelby wants to talk to you. You've already hurt her enough already."


There was muffling on the other side until it cleared up.

"Hi sis,"

"Hi Shelby. How are you?"

"Dissapointed. There isn't a day that goes by where I don't think that if you hadn't taking that detour. Hadn't gone out to that party that night. I miss my sister who'd read us stories at night. I miss my sister that would play games with us. I feel like I don't know you anymore."

"I'm sorry, Shelby."

"That's not enough. Who even are you?"

"Wait-" I didn't get another sentence as the younger half of my sisters hung up on me.

I put my phone away and started out of my room, only to be met with a shy looking Morgan standing at the door.

"Hi?" I said, a little bit confused and silently hoping no one else fell down the stairs.

"I was wondering if you wanted to walk around the city with me." She asked me, flushing red.

Ohhh I see. Let's put her out of her misery.

"Usually, I'd say no." I started, making eye contact. "But I can make an exception for you." I told the shorter girl as she looked relieved.

"Come on, where shall we go?" I asked.

"Oh, I haven't really thought that far ahead. Maybe we could go to the Franklin conservatory?"

"Sure." I said, smiling.

We walked over to the elevator and down to the lobby where the youngsters were hanging out as I spotted a bag of chips in Mal's hand.

As we walked past them, I grabbed them out of her hand as she spun around.

"Heyyy those are mine." She said, trying to grab them.

I held them over my head as Mal tried to jump for them.

"This is contraband. Therefore, it is my property now and you have to do two extra laps next practice." I told her as Sonnett and Lindsey started laughing.

I noticed some crumbs on Sonnett's chin and held out my hand.

"You too," I said, staring my fellow blonde down.

"Uhhh what? Actually, my gorilla called I have to walk him!" Sonnett said before she ran away.

"And that's five laps for her, good day everybody." I said, waving as I continued to walk with Morgan.

"That was interesting. How'd you single out Sonnett?" Morgan asked me.

"Well, I noticed that she had some crumbs on her chin and that gave it away."

"Oh, I see."

"Wow, we're not that far from the conservatory, we could walk there and enjoy the breeze." Morgan said as I nodded looking up directions to walk there.

True to it, we weren't to far from the conservatory, so we started walking.

Mal's POV

"I need to find Sam. Byee!" I said to Lindsey before running off and calling Sam.




"Moe and Jessie were going somewhere together. THIS. IS. PROGRESS."

"Sorry to burst your bubble but when Jessie was treating Rose a few nights ago, Kelley called him hot and then he said that he was gay sooo."

"Nooo my ships have sunk."

"Well... there goes the love triangle."

"Ooo maybe he has a boyfriend we could meet."

"Mal, if he has a personal life that he doesn't want us knowing about, then let him have some privacy."

"I bet that Rose already started stalking him. Wonder what she found. I'll call her next and see if she found anything about him."

"Well... I'm coming with you then. Rose should be in her room resting so wanna head there now?"


"Okay, see ya in a bit."


I quickly hung up before racing to Rose's room to see what we could find out about our dear responsible trainer.

But what we found wasn't so responsible...

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