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when he loved me ||a n g s t ?||

[summary: y/n and oikawa grew up as best friends but as oikawa became more popular they drifted away, soon forgetting her, making y/n depressed before actually killing herself]
⚠️includes self harm, and talk of suicide⚠️

when somebody loved me

"he.. he... he what?" y/n repeated as she looked at iwaizumi, her breath hitched and tears threatened to pour from her eyes.

"he, uh... he um. told me that he couldn't come because he had a date with his girlfriend" iwaizumi said forcefully.

"i... hate him" y/n spat.

"no you don't, you're just angry at him"

"NO... i mean yes? i mean...-starts crying- i-iwa.... this is the 6th time this year he didn't come to any important events to me f-for some some whore ass skank who uses him for his popularity! a-and i don't mean "i hate you but i actually love you, i'm just pissed and can't tolerate you" kind of hate i actually hate him..." Y/n wiped her tears as they came down her face like a waterfall.

everything was beautiful

two children played in the open field, playing tag. "Tooru! wait!! look at the stars!!" y/n said in awe as she stared at the stars.  the heavy footsteps that followed her soon stopped and was replaced with heavy breathing. "y/n-chan... you run fast... woooow! they are beautiful!" he smiled. the two kids stared at the stars and giggled as they told each other made up stories about them.

"kids! come in for dinner!" mrs. oikawa yelled from the kitchen.

"coming mommy!!" oikawa poked y/n's shoulder, breaking her trance. "last one to the dinner table is moldy milk bread!" he giggled as he ran.

"no fair tooru!!! you alienhead!!!" y/n growled and ran after him.

mrs. oikawa smiled seeing the kids running around the house but frowned, "WASH YOUR HANDS FIRST!" she yelled at she set the table.

every hour we spent together

y/n tore one of her muscles in her thigh while playing f/s, and oikawa insisted on staying at her place to held her get better.

"go home butthead"

"not until you get better"

lies within my heart

y/n stared at a photo of oikawa and her at a bakery, enjoying milk bread, and a few more pictures of the two of them when they were younger. she had some while in junior high and high school but there weren't many as oikawa became more distant. and although y/n acted strong about this she was breaking so much inside and iwaizumi saw this.

"i miss him..."

"i know..."

and when she was sad i was there to dry her tears

as y/n cried her eyes out to the new of her grandfather passing her bestfriend ran over, without his mother's permission, to cheer her up.

he slept on the floor next to her bed and held her hand, listening to her silent cries as she fell asleep. he gave her as much space, comfort and affection she had asked for. he did everything in his ten-year-old power to cheer her up.

and when she was happy so was i

"y/n-chan!!!" meet my new girlfriend!!" oikawa smiled happily.

y/n turned around to see a beautiful girl her age, much curvier than her. she grew jealous over her, being able to date her crush. but she couldn't let that get the best of her, she forced a bright smile on her face and hugged oikawa's girlfriend. "it's no nice to meet you! oikawa never stops talking about you!"

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