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Originally from @/immajustreadwritereblog on tumblr

Summary: Nikki is disapproving of Tom’s new American girlfriend, that is until she gets to know you.

Tom had never been nervous before about introducing past girlfriend’s to his family, but then he had never felt so strongly for anyone like the way he felt for you; seeing as you lived on the other side of the world, it had also meant that it had been a lot further into the relationship before Tom had been able to have you meet his parents and youngest brother. Meeting Harry had happened at the same time that you had met Tom and so he had watched your relationship develop, you met Sam and Harrison shortly into your relationship with Tuwaine being introduced to you not long after.

As Tom drove you to his parent’s house, his hand was lying on your knee, squeezing it every now and then to attempt to calm your nerves; you wanted your boyfriend’s parents to like you, far more than you had wanted anyone to like you.  You were running over in your head what you would say to them, you knew how important first impressions were and you hoped that you could make a good one. Tom consistently reassured you that they would love you, that his family were extremely friendly and that there was no doubt that they would love you.

As Tom parked the car, he ran round to open your door for you. Blushing, you smiled as you stepped out of the car before pressing a kiss to your boyfriend’s cheeks, causing his cheeks to grow as pink as yours. His arm wrapped around your waist after you had taken the chocolates and flowers out of the car, Tom had chuckled at your insistence on bringing a present. You bounced on the balls of your feet as you waited for the door to open after Tom knocked on the wooden door.

Paddy opened the door, smiling at his brother and instantly greeting you with a swift hug and a hearty hello. Dom appeared behind him, he greeted you both with a smile; having hugged Tom, he turned to you and offered you a handshake. Tom raised his eyebrows at his father’s formality but shrugged it off, wrapping his arm back around your waist and leading you through into the living room where he assumed his mother was.
His mother looked extremely happy to see her eldest son, wrapping him up in her arms as she hugged him, swaying the two of them from side to side. Pulling apart from his mother, Tom held his hand out towards you. He pulled you into his body and, once again, secured his arm around your body.

“Mum, this is Y/N.” His smile was wide as he pressed his lips to her temple before looking back at his mother. Nikki smiled a tight smile that appeared ingenuine and was rather unwelcoming, you refused to let it affect you and instead smiled widely at her, your voice was quiet but clearly joyful as you informed her of how you were delighted to meet her. Nikki nodded at you before asking who wanted some tea and headed into the kitchen. You furrowed your eyebrows as you tried to work out what you could have done wrong, Tom frowned but assumed his mother was just stressed about getting lunch on the table. Tom squeezed you gently before going to sit on the sofa with the rest of the family.

When Nikki returned with a pot of tea, she set it down quickly before excusing herself to carry on with cooking. You had enjoyed the time that you had spent with Tom’s brother’s and father, you felt as though they approved of her and it put her at ease slightly, however you knew you still had to impress Nikki so you opted to go and see if she would allow you to help in the kitchen.

You left the safety of your boyfriend’s side and ventured into the kitchen. Tom smiled at you as he was pleased at how you wanted his mother to like you so much, it assured him of your feelings for him. Entering the kitchen, you had been smiling and asked Nikki whether she needed any help and if so, what she would like you to do in order to help. Her response had shocked you and caused your body to freeze in its place.

“I’d like you to leave my son alone.” Her voice had been hostile and had made your breath hitch. You were unsure of why she didn’t like you, why she didn’t want you with her boyfriend, it didn’t appear that she had done this with any of Tom’s previous girlfriends. You stuttered incoherently as you tried to work out how you could possibly respond to that. Nikki sighed deeply, looking up from the food and finally looking into your eyes. Her eyes looked you up and down making you feel so small that you cowered away from her piercing gaze.

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