Drunken Photos

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Originally posted by @/immajustreadwritereblog on tumblr

Summary: Posting pictures intended for your girlfriend whilst drunk is never a good idea.

When Tom woke up in the morning, he was confused as to why you weren’t beside him but his head was hurting too much for him to contemplate for too long before he headed downstairs to get himself a glass of water and some painkillers. Normally, you would have ensured that everything was by the side of his bed for when he woke up after a drunken night, but once again his head was hurting too much to wonder why you hadn’t done so. Throwing on his sweatpants, Tom shuffled his way downstairs and past where his closest friends and brother were sat by the large table, when they saw him they began laughing but he couldn’t be bothered to deal with it until the pain in his head was eased. When he had taken the painkillers, and a coffee was in his hand, he sat by his friends who were all smirking at him.

“Well, look who it is. Did you have a goodnight?” Harrison smirk deepened as he looked at his best friend, Tom raised his eyebrows in confusion to the amused tone of Harrison’s voice. When he looked at the three boys sat across from him, he had the realisation that he must have done something stupid the night before. He groaned loudly.

“What the fuck did I do?” Tom looked at his friends expectantly, waiting for them to inform him of everything disastrously embarrassing he did the night before.

Rather than answer his question, Tom was handed a phone. Eyebrows scrunching, he pressed his icon, watching as Instagram showed him his profile with the addition of a new posts that he had not seen before. It was a series of mirror selfies, all getting progressively more nude as he swiped. The first was him shirtless smirking at himself as he admired his own body. The next was him only in his boxers.  When he swiped at the screen again, he was so horrified at the last thing that had been posted.

If the completely nude picture of him wasn’t enough, he had tagged you in it. Your username appearing right over his dick. He was completely mortified but that only increased as he saw the caption that he had added. It was clear to everyone that they were supposed to be sent to you and Tom no longer wondered why you were nowhere to be seen, he had completely and utterly embarrassed you.

Pushing the chair back, Tom ran from the room upstairs where he grabbed his phone. He ignored the multiple texts, emails and calls that he had received in order to open the Instagram app and delete what he posted the night before. His walk back downstairs was slow as he scrolled through the multiple angry and upset texts that he had received from his manager, his parents and everyone in between.

The one person that he hadn’t heard anything from was you. Tom was panicking, he suddenly realised why he had not heard from you all day, why you weren’t there when he woke up and why there had been no painkillers when he woke up. As he sat on the sofa where his friends were gathered round, still taking the piss out of his actions the night before without realising the gravity of the situation. He called you, over and over again but he was sent to voicemail continuously.

“Just call me back baby, we need to speak about everything from last night. I’m so sorry gorgeous, so sorry just... Please call me.” Tom continued to call you, his stress increasing as to why the love of his life would not reply to him. He worried about where you could be, where you had gone when you were clearly upset and angry.

Tom had given up trying to get you to answer him, he knew you’d come to him when you were ready, but he also knew it could be a while. The boys had decided that the best way to get Tom to cheer up and not reminisce too much on the fact that he had exposed himself to the world was in fact take the piss out of him, to repeatedly make jokes and make him feel uncomfortable.

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