Q and A

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1k reads! We are here! Which means it's time for this q and a.

These first few questions were provided by KyeTheWonder

Luz, what do you think of witches now that you've met them in real life?

Luz: I think they're great! Well, some of them are kind of mean. I've realized that they're just like people, but are magical. My favorite witches are Gus, Willow, Eda, and Amity.

And will you ever join a coven?

Luz: I dunno, maybe. I love potions, don't get me wrong, but I feel like I also want to learn other magic too.

Willow, which type of plant would you use to describe Luz, Gus, and Amity and why?

Willow: I would describe Luz as a sunflower. She is always a ray of happiness, sunshine, and optimism. I would describe Gus as a yellow into red rose. It just perfectly represents how I feel about him. Yellow equals friendship, red equals romance. And Amity would be Lavender. It is calm and relaxing, but it also attracts bees which can sting you. Also, the purple matches up.

Amity:It's magenta!

Willow:I don't care!

Gus, how would you react if you were trapped in the human realm for one day and couldn't find a way out?

Gus: I would be super exited!

Amity: But you can't find a way ou-

Gus: I would be super exited.

Amity, has Luz changed your views on humans? If so, how.

Amity: Of course she has. I used to think that they were lazy know-it-all's who couldn't actually put an ounce of work in. Now, because of Luz, I can see they're very similar to witches.

These next and final questions are from DimasKun9

Willow, what interesting thing do you find within Gus?

Willow: Are you kidding? There are so many interesting and amazing things in him that people could see if they got to know him. I could go on for hours. He's so kind and supportive and he's super optimistic and the way he acts about humans is adorable and-

Amity: Ehem.

Willow: But I guess my favorite part is how modest he is. He skipped a couple grades and he still acts just like the rest of us.

Gus, do you prefer Willow with or without glasses?

Gus:I think she looks good either way. But I think with is my favorite because she can see.

Those are all the questions. I am going to quickly say a few things about myself.

I am a lesbian, I have a blonde pixie cut, freckles, and green eyes that look grey from far away. I am most likely wearing a dress. I have two cats and three siblings, my favorite cartoons are Steven Universe, Over The Garden Wall, Shera, Gravity Falls, and The Owl House. (No duh) my favorite animes are Yuri On Ice and Code Geass. Highly, highly suggest them. My idle is Lin Manuel Miranda. That does not mean celebrity crush. I do not have one. And my favorite musicals are Hamilton, Dear Evan Hansen, Be More Chill, Heathers, Waitress, Beetlejuice, and Newsies. My favorite color is kelly green, otherwise referred to as key lime green.

Thanks everyone who helped me get here. I kind of can't believe I made it to 1k. Have a great day, and stay safe.

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