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I wanted my co-author to write the next chapter with Luz, Willow, and Gus, so instead I'm writing this.

Amity POV
I haven't gone to school in a week. It's not that I don't want to, I love school, but I can't stand to see Luz. I can only imagine what that night did to her. Hold up, my mom's calling me.

OH MY GOD! She asked me who I was going with to the dance and when I told her no one she told me I had to find a partner or else she would pick one for me! I hate it when they do this. It happened with Willow, it will happen again. You know what? If they want me to find a partner, I will. Maybe, if they're so desperate for me to go with someone I'll go with who I want to go with. I wonder how they'll feel about them being a human, and a girl. Luz Noceda, I will see you in class tomorrow.

Wow! I'm super exited to write my next chapter, and I'm super exited to see what GachaCatt7 will bring to the table on Monday! Have a good day and stay safe.

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