Lumity: "home"

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Luz's POV

My first kiss, with the person I love the most. Wow. Not only that, but she was the one who started it! I can't believe it, but I will for the sake of my heart. Gosh, she's so pretty. She's like a little kitten, ferocious on the outside, a big softie on the inside. Her ears drooped down as she slept, and she was quietly snoring.

A small creak echoed in the room as King walked in. "I, uh...dinner...dinner is ready." He blurted out.

"Thanks King, I'll be down in minute." I responded.

He nodded, running downstairs on all fours. I shook Amity, waking her up.

"Usually...when someone has their eyes closed and is unresponsive, that means their trying to sleep.."

"Kind of sounds like dead, doesn't it?"

"Oh hush up and stop acting smart." Amity huffed, pushing me away playfully.

"You staying for dinner?" I asked, taking her hand.

"Probably not, the twins are probably worried about me.." Amity mumbled.

"Next time then." I said, moving her hair back.

"Yeah, next time."
3rd person

Amity got home safely. She was now approaching her porch. The witch walked up the steps, quietly unlocking the door. She took a peek inside, walking inside her house, closing the door behind her. As she walked towards the stairs, she shivered. "Where have you been?" Her father asked.

"At the library."

"Doing what?" Her mother chimed in.

"It's a library, you read in library's." She muttered under her breath. "I studied, there's a test in a few days.."

"Dismissed, her father said, walking towards the dining room.

Her mother followed not far behind. Amity rushes upstairs, going to her room. She paced around, thinking of what to do. Come clean? No, she couldn't. Stay silent, nothing wrong with that. She sighed going to the restroom, wanting to take a shower to clear her mind.

This chapter is one day late! Yay! GachaCatt7 wrote this chapter and my next chapter will (hopefully) come out on Friday. Stay safe!

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