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If you want listen to the song while you read because it's fits with the chapter,you don't have to listen to it but suggest to play it when Eddie and Richie meet. (Sorry for any grammar errors)

It was the last day the me and Eddie could spent together before he leaves for his vacation. I want to spend most of the time with him i also want to tell that i love him because i do and i want him to know it's kinda silly but I wanna give him the best memories to think about during is trip i hope he loves me back but i low-key think he does i mean we've been trough our highs and lows since we first met and things haven't been easy but we got to be together so i think he does and that would my summer special even if he's not here with me. Yeah we will videochat and message everyday but it won't be the same if he's not here with me but i get that he has to do what his mother says at least until he turns eighteen and get to do whatever he wants with is life anyway i understand and i support him whatever happens. He turned me into this cheesy romantic boy that says sweet things and I kinda hate that because i'm the sarcastic boy that has a reputation and when I'm with him he blows it making me say some stupid cheesy things like " I'm so glad we're together" or " i don't know what i would do without you" yeah I actually say this things but he likes when i show this sweet side of me and i like see him blush and smile so i keep being this romantic boy only for him. So i prepared this picnic-date on the lakeshore to make this last day special and memorable i hope he likes it.
- hey Eddie come I'm here
He started walking towards he looked sick nervous something was off i felt it
- Hey richie - he said sitting next to me
- are you okay ?
- oh...yeah sure i- he stopped and then he kissed me he was acting weird very weird
- so what do you wanna do ?
- you pick you organized this beautiful afternoon
I didn't know if i was supposed to say how i felt about him or wait but i felt like one of those "Now or Never" moments so I decided to tell him
- so that's actually something i wanted to talk to you about
- oh yeah ok then what is it
- well you remember the first time we met
- yeah how could i forget
- well you know i was really into you even then
- yeah i remember our conversation back then
- yeah we've been trough so much together and we worked out things we never thought we could
- yeah you changed my life and made a better person and i'm glad you did that because I was a little scared boy traumatized by my feelings and you changed me for the better
- yeah and that's why i love you because i do Eddie i love you
- oh
- oh? What do you mean oh?
- I..i..sorry Richie i can't do this i thought i was doing the right but this isn't it i can't be with you
- what ? But you said- I started talking with tears falling from my eyes and tears appeared on his face too
- I know but this, i can't richie i'm sorry now I have to go finish packing things for the summer i'm sorry i really am
he meant to run away but I grabbed his wrist before he could
- hey, i won't loose you, i can't, please stay with me a little longer let's talk about this
- Richie I'm sorry but
- yes you're sorry i got that
- I really am but i can't stay
- so you're breaking up with me ? At least tell me why
- it's complicated Richie i mean it, really i-
He didn't finish the sentence I kissed him I wanted to feel his lips even if it was the last time i wanted to taste that flavor i wanted to be with him one last time
- please- I whispered- stay with me-
- i can't Richie I'm sorry
I let him go, for real this time, you know what they say if you love someone you need to let them go so i did, i let him go.

* yes I'm back and this is the sequel of the story with t.b.d parts*

I thought you loved me too ~Reddie~Where stories live. Discover now