o n e 《his story》

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:: lowercase intended


a small petite boy excitedly running or rather waddling with his cute short legs towards the door after finishing his dishes. just as his cute small hand reached out for the doorknob, a question called out to him made him. stop in his track.

"yoongi! where are you going?"

"i- i wanna go outside dad", he faltered.

"don't. stay in the house. you don't know what danger nay cause you out there." said his father sternly.

the young boy dejectedly walked away from the door, not questioning his father even once.


"-to two categories; vertebrae and invertebrae- hey yoongi. what are you thinking about?" asked miss soo.

yoongi was pulled out of his trance when his teacher asked him the question.

"ahh! nothing miss. i am just reminded of something", said yoongi, staring intensely at his book on the table while the corner of his mouth slightly upside down.

miss soo sighed. she had been yoongi's teacher since he was a kid. now he was twelve, and she had quite form a close bond with the teen. she was displeased to see he upset like this.

and to make it worse, she knew what had been bothering yoongi as she was aware of min's family stories. she was tempted to do anything to make yoongi happy, but she was just an outsider despite being with the family for more than five years.

"hey yoongi", she tried to grabbed yoongi's attention.

after she was granted the attention needed, she continued. "do you want to watch something on youtube or social media on my phone?"

yoongi's eyes immediately gained its twinkles back and the frown on his cute chubby face slowly turned upside down, forming a happy smile, making his cheeks bunched up. quite vigorously, he nodded. small hands making somewhat grabby towards said thin electronic device upon seeing it in his teacher's hand.

after the said device was in his hands, he held it carefully as if it was fully made of glass, afraid it might break if he held harshly since he got rare to none chances to hold them.

he then opened up youtube app to search up for some kids show since he he found solace in those show.

miss soo smiled upon witnessing the teen's happiness even in the tiniest deed. she pitied the poor teen for being held from having freedom, happiness and satisfaction of life at such a young age. the poor boy even didn't have any friends at such age which made the teacher even more loving towards the child.

she hoped he will get to spread his wings after being cooped in his cage called home. she wanted to see him flourish and success. and she will be there to support him in any way needed.


short chapter
a sneak peek of yoongi's life ;)

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