t h r e e 《hopes and cries》

749 24 9

:: lowercase intended
   grammatical errors


yoongi sat on the window pane in his room. basking in the sunlight that pour through the window glass. with eyes closed, lashes fluttering on the apple of his cheeks, he wept silently. tears streaming down his flushed face.

as he wept silently, he started to reflect on himself. he reminisced back the way he lashed out during breakfast moments ago. a part of him felt guilty though the other part felt lighter. as if a weight was lifted of his chest. he leaned his head back, hitting the frame of the window. he closed his eyes as tears slowly made their way down his reddish cheeks.


on the other side of the city, right in the heart of the city, stood a man behind a glass wall in a spacious office. he was enjoying the bird-eyes view of bustling city through the big glass before he was interrupted by a knocking against his office door.

startled by the unexpected noise, he jumped slightly before allowing whoever behind the door to enter. it was his private assistant, park jimin.

"boss, i've got a word from the informer."

"go ahead."

"they haven't found him yet sir." jimin said warily.

sighing softly, he said, "it's find. it's expected for them to hide after what happened years ago."

jimin frowned slighly upon a hearing how defeated his boss was.

"i'm sorry if i'm being rude sir. but, do you want to stop searching?"

the said boss huffed playfully, the corner of his lips lifted a bit. shaking his head slowly, he heaved a deep sigh.

"i'm not giving up on him, jimin. not in a million years. even if i have to wait for him. he's my soulmate. i've been living for hundred of years waiting for him to appear. so yeah, i will never giving up on him. not again." he said. broken-hearted.

"oh, and please tell the investigator to continue searching. i don't care how long or how much it takes, just do it. as long as i got him back."

"yes, mr. jeon."


yoongi made his way downstairs as soon as the smell of homecooked dinner wafted off in the air. he waddled into the kitchen in a black cat onesie, sleeves went down past his fingertips creating a major sweaterpaws.

he peered into the kitchen, seeing his mom finishing the last dishes. as he went to make his presence known, he suddenly sneezed like a kitten as his nose was feeling itchy smelling the spicy broth.

daehyun turned around upon the sneeze, chuckling. "hey kitty. ooo you kitty! look at you! so cute! how dare you being this cute?! who allowed you?"

she shrieked playfully as she went to her son. fingers reaching to yoongi's cheeks, pinching them in her hands in fervour. she pursed her lips, trying to conceal her feeling from squealing.

"mamaaa!!" yoongi whined albeit slightly muffled. hands grasping daeyun's wrist, attempting to pull them off to no avail.

he whined even more, making his mother laughed fondly at him before releasing the chubby cheeks.

upon being released from the deathly(read lovely) grip on his cheeks, he pouted and crossed his hands against his chest. trying to look intimidating though he looked like an angry kitten.

daehyun chuckled seeing yoongi pouted. "sorry dumpling. you're so cute i can't help."

she apologized though she didn't sound sorry at all as she smiled. yoongi pouted harder. he huffed.

"what are you cooking mom?"

"i've cooked kimchi stew, pork belly and other side dishes. i'm almost done anyway. just need to serve."

"can i help?" yoongi asked rather enthusiastically, eyes sparkling in hope.

daehyun, not one to refuse such a cute baby kitten, agreed. but not before reminding him to be careful bringing the glassware contained those dishes to the dining room.

"oh yoongi, can you call your father and brother? they're in the living room currently." she called out to yoongi.



"so, yoongi. what do you want for your upcoming birthday?" min chihun asked as soon as he placed his metal chopsticks down.

startled, yoongi looked up to his father like a deer caught in the headlights. he cautiously looked into chihun's gentle eyes. he was unaware of the looks seokjin and daehyun gave each other upom hearing mr. min's question.

he mumbled softly his wishes under his breath, looking down on his lap. chihun almost couldn't hear his youngest if not for the silence around them. his gaze hardened, staring into his empty plate.

"come again?"

"e- erm, i- i w- want to g- go o- out." he uttered louder, peeking up to look at his father.

"b- but it's f- fine if you don't let me. i- i'll just ask for something else." he quickly continued upon noticing chihun's face.

chihun's expression softened, sighing softly. "yoongi, you can ask for anything else but that, okay?"

chihun said apologetically, forehead furrowed slightly.

"i- i know. but i don't understand. why you didn't let me go out? like ever. even seokjin hyung can go out. i just want to know what it's like to be outside. it's not the same seeing it on television or phone or laptop. i'm- i- i just-", he couldn't finish off. his lips trembled dangerously. tears brimming in his eyes, threatening to streak down his flushed cheeks. his heart clenching in hurtful way. hands gripping on his onesie tightly his knuckles turning white. he sniffled as his nose went runny.

"it's dangerous yoongi. i won't let you out. at least not now. and i can't explain it to you, yoongi. i'm sorry." chihun apologized, standing up before going upstairs. shoulder down.

yoongi, couldn't hold his tears anymore, started to cry softly. he held his head down, not noticing his mother approaching.

as soon as daehyun and seokjin touched his shoulders, he flinched. he looked up at both his mother and brother. his tears cascading rapidly before he started sobbing. his hand reaching up to his chest where his heart located, gripping strongly.

seokjin and daehyun quickly enveloped yoongi in a tight embrace, whispering sweet nothings into his ears. they also started crying quietly, not wanting alarming the sobbing kitten.


i feel bad :(

word count : 1030 words

:: not edited

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