f i v e《progress》

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:: lowercase intended
   grammatical errors


yoongi couldn't get those words out of his mind. he couldn't sleep well thinking about those words. he was confused where those words came from. he sat at the balcony in his room, thinking about all of the possibilities that might occur that caused him to hear those words.

he kept thinking and staring into spaces  until he was pulled  out of his trance.


startled, yoongi turned around. his brows raised.

"yes, hyung? "

"breakfast is ready. come downstairs", seokjin said, smiling.

"ahh,  i'll be downstairs in a minute. "

seokjin nodded and closed the door.

deciding to put aside his thoughts, he went downstairs to join breakfast with his family.


putting down his utensils, he glanced over his parents  and brother. he was contemplating whether he should ask them or not, but he was really confused and wonder why would he hear that. he fidgeted around in his seat.

seokjin, noticing yoongi's uncomfortable state, was a little worried. currently, he had finished his breakfast when he caught yoongi fidgeting by the corner of his eyes.

"yoongi-ah, are you okay?"

"hmm?! " yoongi immediately looked up.

upon seeing his family's attentions were on him,  he instantly get more fidgety. contemplating his decision,  he decided to ask away.

"erm, I- I heard a voice last night. " he spoke softly.  too soft to catch if you didn't  hear it intently and if the room was not quiet.

"voice? " dahyun repeated. she felt anxiety slowly rising within her but she masked it well, pursing her lips and putting on a confused face.

"y- yes. i swear i wasn't  hallucinate! " yoongi  exclaimed in panic. his face contorted cutely.

dahyun and chihun became worried hearing yoongi. they were scared in case what yoongi had said was true and that man might find him. seokjin on the other had a feeling he might knew what yoongi had said though he wouldn't say it, afraid he might be wrong.

"are you sure you heard it right, bun? " dahyun confirmed.

"y- yes, i was standing at the balcony in my room. i swear i was alone there."

"i'm sure you heard it wrong, yoon. maybe you were just remembering a dialogue from one of the movies and dramas you had watched? " chihun reassured yoongi, smiling slightly to ease his youngest son.

"b- but, i heard my name too. how would that explain? "

"shit! " chihun cursed internally, controlling his expression to not to alert yoongi.

"just drop it, yoongi. i'm sure it's nothing. you may heard it wrong, yeah? " chihun said.

glumly, yoongi's mouth turned upside down. he didn't  like this. why did his father try to escape from his question? why did his father seem tensed? there were so much unanswered questions lingering in yoongi's head.

sighing in defeat, yoongi nooded his head. he wouldn't argue this time, though he would later if it became too much.

meanwhile seokjin and dahyun watched their interaction all along. they couldn't help but feel bad for yoongi. they knew he deserve to know the truth, but they couldn't bare the thought of losing someone so precious to them, yet again.

after the interaction between yoongi and chihun, they finished their breakfast in a tensed silence.


few months later

"mr. jeon? "

"yes, mr. park? " jeongguk answered lazily, not lifting his head away from his files on his desk.

"i've got their location. " jimin said warily, noticing how busy his boss was.

jeongguk immediately lifted his head up, eyes glinting in excitement though he tried to control it. not wanting to get too excited and then having it crushed.

jimin on the other hand chuckled seeing his boss's reaction. sometimes his boss could get way too cute for his stern and cold feature.

impatient, jeongguk snapped when his p.a had yet to inform him, making jimin's smile grew even wider.

"don't get too impatient, boss. he's not going anywhere. " jimin reassured jeongguk.

"he may not be going anywhere, but who knows what his parents would do if they ever to know that i'm going to search for them? " jeongguk replied sarcastically.

"yeah, i can't deny that. so! here the information about their whereabouts. " jimin put down a brown envelope containing the information of jeongguk mate's location on jeongguk's desk.

"thank you, park!  i owe you one, and the p.i too. " jeongguk said happily though it was laced with solemn.

"it's fine, sir. i'm glad i can help you finding you long lost mate, sir. it's an honour, really. "

smiling softly, jeongguk dismissed jimin from his office. once jimin was out of his office and the door was closed, he looked at the envelope. he was getting a mixed of feelings.

he was ecstatic because he finally got his hands on his mate's whereabout, though a part of him couldn't shake off the nervousness he was feeling.

so, he sat stock-still on his chair, staring the envelope like he was to eat it, burn it. though he wouldn't do any of that.

mustering his courage, he reached for the envelope. he opened it carefully, not wanting to tear its contents.

once he got a grasp of the papers inside the envelope, he said a pray, hoping it would be good news only.


andddd, that's it. sorry for not uodating for so long :(
it's been a month or two i suppose.
i'm really sorry for finally finding the time to write this chapter.
hope you guys will enjoy it;)

::  edited

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