Chapter 27 - Good Mates Stay Put

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Author's Note: Warning ⚠️/just a heads up - IT'S NOT SMUT! I SWEAR! I'M INNOCENT!

~Hikaru's POV~

I thought about what Kiko and my mates said back there. A special treat? OH! ARE THEY GIVING ME A PRESENT! On the way out of the gymnasium, my wolves were happily smiling as to making our way towards Shiro's car.

Hikaru: "Where are we going?! We still have school!"

Shiro: "Nope we're going straight home. My parents aren't home so it's the perfect time to have some 'fun'." They sexily smirked making me scratch my head.

Kuro: "Remember, this is punishment for leaving us this morning. We warned you. Now you must pay the price."

Hikaru: "W-what're you going to do to me? Didn't Kiko say to make sure I walk straight when I get back? What did she mean by that?"

Shiro and Kuro smiled lustfully. Confused, I then felt something hard hitting against my back making me look down. My body shivered to see their growing members rubbing back and forth. They're horny as hell. The thought of that is just tingles my insides and not in a good way.

Hikaru: "Uh guys, are you okay?~"

Shiro: "We're so sorry babe~."

Kuro: "We can't resist for so much longer."

Hikaru: "I-I don't understand."

Shiro: "You will~"

Shiro x Kuro: "wHen WeRe dOnE wItH yOu!" They laughed insanely.

Their grip grew stronger crushing my arms to me being very weak and vulnerable. At the moment of desperation, I called out every one or just anyone that could save from me their wrath. I was immediately covered up when Kuro shoved his paw over my mouth.

Kuro: "Shut up, you'll thank us when it's all over."

I tried screaming as loud as I could though he muffled it, I didn't want to stop for a second. He let go getting me baffled but we had made it to his car as they shoved me inside their trunk.

Shiro: "This is to ensure you won't ever escape us again. We told you what would happen. Now you're getting it the hard way."

Hikaru: "NO! DON'T" They slammed the trunk at my face.
I was face down on my back looking at nothing but darkness. The ignition started and we traveled to our destination leaving me hyperventilating. I stopped panting as to conserving air. It was so fucking hot in here in this tiny space. I realized I had my phone so I reached down to my pocket and called Ryo.

*3x Ring*

Ryo: "This is Ryo."

Hikaru: "HELP ME! I'VE BEEN KIDNAPPED I NEED YOU TO~" I am currently busy working on a 'special' case and won't be available for a LONG time. Please leave a message after the-"

Hikaru: "FUCK!" I yelled loudly making the car stop.

The gas stop and I quickly hid my phone in my pocket. I heard footsteps coming out of the vehicle towards me. The key turned as they lifted the trunk open. I looked up crawling back away from them in the corner. My wolves glared and didn't seem very happy to see me. Kuro lend his hand tilting my head to the side.

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