Chapter 7 - in which Lita tells Shawn that Mama peed all over the floor

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Where was he and why wouldn't he answer? Camila couldn't leave a message, because the doctor was going off shift. She deleted his number from the call record, he didn't need a fan having his private number. She couldn't believe she could finally ring Shawn and he wasn't answering his phone. She couldn't remember Andrew's phone number off the top of her head, it was stored in her phone, and before she could try her mother or anyone else who she could remember, the doctor returned, needing her phone to do her work and then head home. The good thing was there were no more pains, and Rosa had gone. She hadn't even said goodbye.

She slept as much as she could, with Lita snuggled under the sheet beside her, and about six am, after they woke her do do her obs, the new doctor came in to do an ultrasound. He wheeled he machine in and Camila looked at him. He was young, his hair long and pulled back into a bun, he wore thick rimmed glasses and with his sleeves rolled up she could see he had a tattoo of a lion on his arm.

"Nice tattoo," she said.

"Thanks," he smiled. He had a nice smile, she decided she liked him too, almost as much as Doctor Moreno, maybe more.

"My partner has tattoos, he has a swallow on his hand," she said.

"Like that Canadian pop singer, what's his name?" He frowned, trying to think. She stared at him. OK, that was weird. Usually if they knew Shawn, they knew her.

"OK, well everything looks good with the little guy, Miss....." he consulted his chart "Cabello." He frowned again. "Cabello? Like Camila Cabello?" Camila stared at him again. Was he kidding?

"Exactly like Camila Cabello," she said drily. He smiled at her and then wiped the gel from her belly and printed out the scans. "Do you want them?"

"Yes, please." She said. "Hey, do you think I could borrow your pone to call Shawn?"

"Shawn?" He frowned again. Come on buddy, it's all gonna click in a minute.

"My partner," she said. "The baby's father, and my daughter's."

"His name is Shawn?"

"Yes, his name is Shawn MENDES, and my name is Camila Cabello."

"Like the singers? That's a wild coincidence!"

I give up, she thought. He's an idiot. A nice idiot though, he handed her his cell phone, unlocking it for her first. She rang Shawn's number again, and this time it rang.


Shawn stared at the phone as it rang in his hand and he pressed the button, his hand shaking.


He heard only sobs.

"Camila? Baby is that you?"

"Yes, oh God, I can't believe it's you!"

"Where are you honey? Are you OK? Is Lita OK?"

"We're in the hospital in Monterrey," she told him which one, "but we're both ok, I just had some pains, and the lady who was looking after me thought I might be in labour, but I'm not. Are you at the hotel?"

"No! I'm almost in Monterrey! I'm coming to find you!"

"Really? Oh my God!" she said again, breaking into fresh sobs. She couldn't talk and a second later he heard a little voice.


"Button, it's me, are you OK?"

"I'm fine, but Mama is crying her BUTT off!"

"I can hear that. And don't say BUTT."

"It's better than ASS."

"I...well, OK then.  I'm so glad you're alright. You're not hurt or anything?"

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