Chapter 2: Surprise Encounter

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"What?" No. It couldn't be. Suddenly I felt a cold shiver down my spine, despite the sweatshirt. Vanessa looked at me as if I was some weirdo. Which I was. But she ignored it and continued talking, "I've heard that he's super hot, I can't wait to see h-"

Her sentence was cut short by the roaring of a motorcycle. I spun around so fast that I felt woozy for a second. There he was, Chuck Carter, on his blue Ducati Panigale V2. He did a wheelie and parked in a spot under the tree. He swung his leg over the bike, his muscles rippling through his shirt deliciously.

He took off his black matte helmet and ruffled his brown hair as if it wasn't messy already. He had a tanned sculpted body, with a chiselled face and angular jaw that could cut apples in half. He looked like a Greek God - his hazel green eyes with beautiful long lashes, and his luscious lips sitting in a permanent panty-dropping smirk.

"Get out of the way losers", a shrill voice pierced my thoughts. Ugh, I did not have the energy to deal with Simone Oakley and her minions Coral Spencer and Reva Vishwanathan, the queen bees, in the morning.

They pushed us out of the way to catch Carter's attention.

But I, being a klutzy uncoordinated weirdo, slipped on God-knows-what and fell backwards on my butt.

A sharp pain shot up my spine, and I gave a yelp of agony.

"Kate!" yelled Vanessa, crouching beside me. That was the last thing I saw before everything went black.

I opened my eyes to find hazel green orbs looking at me inquisitively, and I felt weightless.

I was about to close my eyes when I remembered that Vanessa was supposed to be near me, and her eyes were cyan. Which only meant one thing...

"Ah!" I shrieked and started wiggling like an earthworm, fully regaining consciousness.

"Love, stop squirming," said Chuck in a deep silky voice, trying to make sure I don't fall out of his muscular arms.

But I, being an idiot, didn't heed his warning, resulting in my fall - literally. I fell on the tiled school floor with a thud.

"Ugh, don't be so difficult, love. Come on, we're only a few paces away from the infirmary."

I complied and let him help me to the infirmary. He went to fetch the nurse, which is when I finally noticed Vanessa, and she was bursting with excitement.

"OH. MY. GOOOOD!" she squealed.

"Hush," I said, my head aching. "What just happened?"



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