Chapter 6: Reading Session

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Oh my god, I silently muttered to myself. Chuck was 15 minutes late. I glanced at my worn-out watch that I had just barely retrieved from my dying mother's amputated wrist at the site of the car crash. It was useless to check the watch; it had stopped working the instant it had hit the dashboard and cracked. I only persisted to wear it as Mom had always said that it looked nice on me.

I looked at my phone. 2:47 pm. Ugh, why was Chuck delaying? Should I just leave? Usually I was the only one in the library after school, because I'm such a nerd, you know. But today there were a couple of others exploring for the project.

2:52 pm. I was beyond my limits now. Chuck had promised to take this seriously! I stood up to leave, just when the door creaked open to reveal a ripped, muscular torso in a tight-fitted black Polo. I could not mistake a body like that for anyone else's.

"Finally, Carter!" I yelled in a whisper, frustrated but also relieved.

"Sorry, darling," Chuck walked over to the table where I was sat. "Lacrosse tryouts."

"Whatever," I rolled my eyes. "Let's not waste any more time. So...have you read Romeo and Juliet?"

"Nope," he said, popping the 'P'.

I sighed.

"Do you want to?" I slid the book toward him.

He winked suggestively, leaning forward in my direction from the opposite side of the table.

"Let's read it together, shall we? We can roleplay," My heart fluttered. I shook it off casually.

Hmm, maybe that would actually help. We were on a deadline as it is.

"Hey, there, Kate!" I jerked my head toward the voice. Elliot Ryder was stood at the Shakespeare section, propped up against a shelf, book in hand. How was this guy everywhere?

He smiled and waved at me. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Chuck's fist clench. His eyes darkened.

"Mind if I join you guys?" he asked. "My partner bailed out on me."

"Yes," Chuck said abruptly.

"Not at all, Elliot," I said right after. I patted the seat beside me. "We were thinking of role-playing this. We could do with more people."

"Hey, omelette, I have a question," Chuck tilted his head. "Is there any particular villain in this play?"

"Well, I guess you could call Tybalt a vill-"

"Perfect. Elliot can read the part of Tybull or whatever. I call dibs on Romeo."

Chuck smirked smirkingly.

I rolled my eyes. "There are a lot of characters, Chuck."

"We'll each have to play at least five," Elliot added.

"Fine by me, Juliet," Chuck winked at me winkingly.

Elliot's jaw twitched ever so slightly.


We finished up Act I.


Interrupted by the bell again! We could hardly get to the meat of the play.

"I guess that's it," I said, picking up my bag.

"This was fun," Elliot said. "See you in class tomorrow, Kate."

He and Chuck side-eyed each other almost homo-erotically. Then Elliot shelved his book and left.


Author's note: I have not actually read Romeo and Juliet. 🌚

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