Chapter 3: A Turn of Events

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The nurse laid me on my back and gave me some mild painkillers for my headache. Vanessa sat on a chair opposite me, her eyes filled with concern, but also a tint of excitement. Chuck was nowhere to be seen now.

"Your muscles are sore," the nurse said. "You might not want to exert your body too much today."

"Okay, thanks," I replied.

On that note, Vanessa and I made our way to class.

"Holy crap! That was Chuck Carter!" Vanessa whisper-shouted ecstatically.

"I know," I laughed nervously, trying to wrap my head around what happened before.

We reached the classroom.

I saw Chuck sprawling on a bench at the back. He eyed me attentively as I walked in. Then out of nowhere, he gave me a flirtatious wink. Butterflies erupted in my stomach instantly.

God, what was happening to me? I wasn't boy-crazy like Simone and her cronies. But there was something about Chuck...

No! I wasn't going to let myself feel like this. I wasn't that kind of girl. Besides, Chuck was a certified bad-boy. He would never even throw a glance at some average dorky misfit like me. But what about that wink earlier...

Before I could devote any more thought to Chuck, Mrs. Rush, our English teacher entered the class. She waited impatiently for everyone to quieten down.

"Students!" she slammed her books on the table. "I have an important assignment for each of you."

The class broke out into a series of moans.

She ignored them and spoke louder. "For your final assessment, you are required to do a thesis on Romeo and Juliet. It accounts for ninety-five percent of your grade."

Groans again.

"To make it easier for you," she continued. "I am going to divide you into pairs. I've made a list here."

She pulled out a piece of paper, lowered her thin-rimmed spectacles and began reading out names.

"Jace Huxley and Ashley Topaz. Leah Camp and Moray Paxton. Xavier Gomez and Nico Turmeric. Vanessa Gilbert..."

I sucked in my breath apprehensively. Please say my name.

"...and Kasey Norag."

Ugh! Vanessa and I exchanged a sad look. I was beginning to get anxious now. I was a straight-A student and was planning to get into Yale. If I was paired up with some good-for-nothing underachiever, my dreams might shatter.

Mrs. Rush resumed her read-out.

"Horace Smith and Coral Spencer. Daniel Fergusa..."

I zoned out until I caught a familiar name.

"We have a new student at Parkdale High this year. Chuck Carter, I've heard stories of your notoriety. You should know that we do not put up with such delinquency here."

Chuck raised an eyebrow and shrugged nonchalantly as if to say: 'We'll see.'

"I want you to take this project seriously," she said. "And for that reason, I have decided to pair you up with a studious and hard-working student. Chuck Carter, you will work with...

"...Kate Elliot."


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