Part 1

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(Note : P.O.V = Point Of View
And I know there is grammar mistakes, my first language is French)

Daylily P.O.V

I clearly remember that day, where everything in my new life collapse. A normal day that turned into a cursed one, that for sure.

It was a sunny day at Inkopolis. Sunny day are truly my favorite one. Those days where I can turn my face towards the sun and feel the heat. It's been a while now since the day I came up from the Deepsea Metro, but I never get tired of that pure feeling. I like all weathers, every each of them have their own joy. I was sitting at a table near Crusty Sean food truck, around 10 in the morning. I was calmly looking at Inklings and Octolings passing by, doing their own business. I was waiting for my friends, my group , no... my family. The other members of the X7.

Our Leader send us a message the day before. He told us to meet near the food truck around 10 in the morning of the next day for a training. I was the first one there, so I was passing time by looking at people when someone suddenly sit in font of me at the table : my best friend girl Yune. She was cheerfully eating a Shwaffle, whipped cream covering a bit her cheeks.

Yune : YOOOOOOOOO Daylily ! How are you girl ? That sun is a promise for a beautiful day , isn't it ?
Me : Hi Yune! I'm feeling good and yes this sun is promising ! And what about you ? Any news?
Yune : Naaah not really ... well except some cute Inklings boys here and there. Anyway, what are you doing here, lonely potato?

Yune is really a nice girl. She is a blue Inkling with shorts tentacles, always having a smile on her face and stars in her eyes. She's one of the first person I met when I was still learning how to live in Inkopolis and she really helped me a lot, back then, teaching me Inkling's language and society in general. She is a cheerful person, always ready to help someone in need, and she loves cutes boys.

Me (laughing) : I'm not a potato ! And I'm just waiting for my group.
Yune (rolling her eyes) : Ah yes. Your group.
Me : Aw what about them ? They are nice and you know it ! Again Yune, why don't you join us ...? I'm sure Mark would say yes !
Yune : And again Daylily , no ! I'm a free spirit and you know that I wouldn't listen a single word coming from Mark, just because I don't want to.
Me (crossing my arms) : *sigh* Fine! But you are missing something , like ... cute boys.
Yune (standing up) : ...... you were waiting for that opportunity, weren't you ? Anyway girl , I have to go, shopping is waiting for me ! Let's talk later !
Me : Yes of course ! Have a nice day ! AND CLEAN YOUR CHEEKS!
Yune (stopping and passing an hand on her face) : Oh? HAHA whipped cream ! Thank you and have a nice day too !

And so she left. Fortunately, soon after, the other members started to come. First arrived was the youngest Inkling member of the X7 and our Leader's nephew, Landon. We talked a bit, when Tria (a boy Inkling) and Kai (a girl Octoling) joined us. The last one to join was our Leader , Mark.

Mark is a lime green Inkling with side tentacle. Serious, sometimes even cold, it looks like his brown eyes can see through your soul. He is not our Leader for nothing, he has skills in Turf War. He is the oldest of us. Strategic, he always knows the decision to take in a match. Being in his team is, most of the time, a guaranteed victory. However, he is severe, and he hates losing, so he always push us in training.
Mark is someone special to me. I was the first member to join him in the X7. I can't stand his eyes when he looks at me, I just begin to feel weird and some light blue color from my tentacles start to heat up my face.

Our Leader then looked at each of us slowly , finishing by me and then he said :

Mark : Good morning guys. I hope you all slept well because we are doing something different today.
Kai : YES ! Finally! What is it now ? I hope this is what I am thinking about...
Mark : You, chill. We all gonna join a random lobby in Turf War. So the game will decide the team, and we will have differents teammates each match. Today, the training is to adapt at differents peoples and places. Any questions?
All of us : ...
Mark : Fine then, let's go.

We all standed up and walked in the direction of the tower. When we got close from the tower, I saw that Mark was looking at me. I bowed my head a bit , and I entered the tower.

(A couple of match later)

I spawned in one of the Moray Tower spawn place. I looked at my side to see my teammates : two Inklings I didn't know, and Tria. I looked at his tentacle to know our team color for the match : pink.

Me : Oh hey Tria ! Finally we are on the same team.
Tria : Yeeaaaa girl it was about time. *he looked at the other side of the map* Ooooowwww man ! That means Mark, Landon and Kai are on the other team ! Sure they will win...
Me (trying to be cheerful) : Tria, please, don't be that negative. We beat them before we can do it again! Come on, gimme an high five!

He smiled at me and gave me an high five. Then, the match started, so I held my Splat Dualies more tightly and jumped in the Turf War.

(After that match)

Tria : Hey Daylily, guess what ? We lost !! Soooo, can you remind me what was I saying again before the match begin ?
Me : Oh alright stop complaining. Yes we lost and so? We still have plenty of matches ahead, the odd will certainly turn on our favor ...

I have never been so wrong in my entire life. This is at that exact moment that all begun...
At that right moment , I saw Kai coming toward us, completely mad.

Tria : WOAH WOAH WOAH Kai language ! What's wrong? You should be happy, you guys won the match!
Kai : Except that our dear "Leader" Mark didn't stop showing off to our other teammate the WHOLE match, pretending "I'm the only real X7 out there, I'm the best of them and they will never be as good as I am." ???? I'M TOTALLY FINE , THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG !

I wasn't able to believe what I was hearing. Mark? Saying those stuffs about us? That's ... this is impossible that couldn't be true ... right ?

Landon (that just join us) : Aw calm down Kai it's not that important...
Kai : Not that important ??? Excuse me that was DISRESPECTFUL! Landon, stop taking his defense!

I felt something break in me.

Daylily : He ... said ... what ... ?


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