Final Part

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Final Part

Daylily P.O.V

(One week and half later)

Me (taking a deep breath) : You know everything. This is exactly what happened, in every detail, and how we got together.

Me and Mark are at his mom's house, sitting at the kitchen's table. Mark is sitting on my side, and his mom is facing us. Cookies and tea are on the table, both really delicious. Of course, I am the one that ate most of the cookies. The kitchen is all simple and pretty, the table being in the middle.

Mark's mom is really a beautiful Inkling. She has long tentacles, both tied up in a ponytail, with the same base color as Mark : lime green. Her eyes are a deep brown as well, with always a little spark of joy in them, even after telling her the recent events. When Mark told me that he would like to present me to his mom, I was really scared ; about her in general, her reaction about what happened and what she would think about me. However, my stress disappeared as soon as I saw her.

Mark's mom (thinking) : Those recent events are really mysterious to me, even after you told me everything about it. (She smiles) But I'm happy that both of you are now safe and healthy... or better, at least!
Me (smiling back) : Yeah, I'm glad about that too. I've been out of the hospital only since 4 days but I'm really getting better and better ! I just get tired easily ... and I'm not allowed to participate in Turf Wars for a long time.
Mark (putting a hand on my arm) : Turf Wars are really not a priority for the moment. You need your rest.
Me (softly touching his hand back) : I know, you keep telling me that.
Mark's mom : You are really cute together... I'm glad that you can find happiness with a girl again Mark. And Daylily ... (she looks straight in my eyes) I understand how you feel about your decision of being Sanitized on purpose but... the reasons are understandable and I'm sure that both of you learnt a lot about what happened, like a life lesson. I think that my first impression was good : you are a good person.
Me (my eyes tearing up a bit) : That ... that was really nice to say... Thank you Ma'am.
Jane : You are gladly welcome but please Darling, call me Jane. And you, (she looks at Mark with an amused look in her eyes) don't you dare hurt her, or you'll have to deal with me!
Mark (pretending to be offended) : Excuse me? Moooiiii ? I would never do that ! Not twice !

I laugh when I hear the Octoling word he said. He looks at me smiling. We all stay silent for a while, until Mark stands up :

Mark : Well Mom, thanks a lot about your listening and the snack, but I think we should go now.
Me : Yes thank you, the cookies and the tea were really delicious.
Jane (standing up as well) : Oh well, it's my pleasure ! I asked for it after all !

Mark hugs his mom, and she surprises me by hugging me too. She follows us and stays in the door while we walk away.

Jane (waving at us) : Come back whenever you want !

We wave back at her and we slowly walk in the direction of Inkopolis Square, not that far from where we were. We are both silent, a bit shy and blushing that we are now just both of us.

"Why am I shy about this ? I wished for this to happen so many times ! We haven't gone out on a real date yet ... and I remember he told me his ex-girlfriends never did the effort to ask him on a date, not even once... That's my chance ! " I start thinking.

Me (looking at him) : Hey. Wanna go on our first date right now ?
Mark (jumping and blushing really hard) : Eh?! W-what ?! I mean ... y-yeah sure !
Me (blushing as well) : Yay !

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