12 | What's Wrong With Secretory Kim?

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"You can't be serious?"

Hera's grip tightened on the phone as she listened to non stop complaints of her best friend, Jessica. Apparently, Luhan had been following her for weeks now and had an audacity to warn her about her relationship.

"He even walked up to my fiance Jackson," Jessica rambled in fear. "I almost thought he was going to talk to him but then he just smirked and walked past me," she said, her voice full of panic.

"He's playing with your mind," Hera said. "Don't get scared. You're Jessica Jung," she tried to console her friend. "Don't be afraid of him either, he'll scare you more."

"How is it with Baekhyun?"

"We're doing fine," she made her way out of the room. For some reason, Hera didn't want her friend to know about Taeyeon. She knew Jessica would be pissed, and mad Jessica wasn't healthy for her life and Baekhyun's temper.

"Hera, what if Luhan said some shit, and Jackson broke off this engagement? My parents will definitely throw me out of the house," Jessica said, worried.

"Why are you so concerned Jess?" Hera frowned and walked to the kitchen to drink some water. She needed to cool down a bit.

"I'm just not comfortable with Jackson knowing about Luhan," her friend mumbled, and she snickered while lifting the water bottle to her lips and swallowed a few gulps. "I kissed him the other night," she whispered and Hera spit out the water, coughing multiple times to get over her shock.

"Wh-What?" she gasped out and patted her chest to calm herself down. "You're joking. Right?" she asked. No way in hell Jessica would do it. She knew her friend. How could she?

"I had a fight with Jackson," she whined. "And, I went to a club..."

"Jessica Jung," Hera raised her voice in shock. If one thing Jessica couldn't do.. that was holding her liquor down. Everyone knew that fact about Jessica except Jessica herself that is.

"I'm sorry, okay?" Jessica said in a small voice and she furrowed her brows. "It's just that... Jackson was getting on my nerves with that - you must be cheating behind my back shit. He doesn't believe me and that pissed me off."

"And this time you cheated on him for real?"

"Should I tell him? I should apologize. Right?" Jessica asked in fear and she shook her head while making her way to the couch.

"Don't tell him," she mumbled and threw herself on the couch. "He has already fought with you about this topic, just consider this case gone. He has already scolded you," she munched some chips from the bowl and turned on the TV.

"I don't know," Jessica mumbled. "You're watching dramas?"

"100 Days my prince," she answered. "I love this drama. It's fucking good. I ship this couple so hard," she told Jessica who scoffed in response.

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