When someone bullies them

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Recently,You've been worried about your brother Huey.

Ever time,he'd come home in a bad mood and would always lock himself in his room.

He was kinda like himself,but once he got home,he was almost like Uncle Ruckus (no relation) but minus the yelling,just annoyed is all.

Also,you noticed he hasn't really gotten any sleep lately because of having so much homework to do and you noticed the homework was the same sheet he had for homework,just different names on each sheet.

Today while walking to school,you can see he was his normal self but you also noticed something about him.

You saw that he was extremely nervous and you didn't really know why since you never saw him this nervous in the five years of your life.

"Are you ok,you seem nervous?"You asked worried holding his hand."D-Don't worry I'm fine"You were shoked.you never heard him stutter before.

Once you got to school Huey said he was busy so he had to leave you to walk by yourself go class,you didn't mind and went to class.The whole class,your mind was on Huey,so much you almost got in timeout for it and almost missed homework.

When the bell rang for your grade,you decided you were going to sneak to Huey's floor."I may get in trouble,but who cares when it's about your brother"You thought as you went up the stairs quietly,making sure you didn't get caught by any hall monitors.

Once you got to his class,he wasn't there,just kids learning,but you did notice three other seats missing people too.Thats when you started to get worried.You started running through the halls looking for him.

When you passed the boys bathroom,you heard muffled voices and then you heard Huey's voice."Please leave me alone"you sneaked in quietly to see guys taller than him.One of the guys had Huey in their grasp and that got you angry.

You looked at Huey and put your finger on my mouth.He nodded without the guys noticing.You got the pepper spray you got from grandad and hid and made a sound,getting the guys attention.

You peeked and saw they were starting to move to your hiding spot.Huey sighed worried quiet enough for you to hear.Once all of the guys looked at you,you sprayed them with the pepper spray and kicked them in the face.

"Come on Huey!"You said as Huey followed you and walked with you home."Promise not to keep any secrets?"You asked as you got home."Promise"


You've noticed things starting to change about Riley.He hasn't really hung out with Cindy anymore or any of the guys.

He didn't really play with you either and you started to get worried,he even wasn't making jokes anymore.You guys were walking to school together and you decided to comfort him."Hey Riley?"You asked.

Riley responded,"Yea?"you then said,"Why aren't you yourself?"Riley was silent while walking with you for a while until he responded,"Well,some people change"You could already tell that was a lie.

You sighed,When you got to school,he walked you a lot more faster to class which surprised you since he'd take his sweet time walking you to miss class to have the day shorter.

The whole entire class,you were wondering about Riley and what caused him to change."There's no way he'd give up being a gangsta!"You said in your head ad you worked on your worksheet.

"Riley wouldn't even last without being one for two days" you thought as you finished your work and turned it in before leaving class and went outside.

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