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Third Person POV

"Do you promise, Scott?" A girl with long wet brown hair said. She was laying on a stump that was cut down a long time ago. The girl was wearing a blue grown that reached her feet with small branches in them. Her whole clothes were dripping wet.

"I won't ever leave you" A boy with crooked jaw and wide brown eyes said. He was dressed in a t-shirt and pants but was also soaking wet. "You promise Scott?" The girl asked again. "I promise Stiles"


The lacrosse warm-up was finished because long story short, Scott and Boyd or mainly Scott had injured a freshman student. Danny had started talking about how 'childish' Scott was acting. Stiles had this feeling that something was going to happen to the boy so she decides to go and visit him, you know maybe have a chat.

"Come in" Stiles had softly knocked on the door and waited until she heard the signal to come on. When she did she entered. She since when she saw the boy's ankle.

"Are you here to break my other ankle?" Stiles gave the boy a weird look and shook her head. "No, I wanted to introduce myself, your freshman so you probably don't know who I am" The boy had looked her over and nodded.

Stiles walk over to him and she found herself beside his bed. "Welcome to Beacon Hills High, and Hi my name is Stiles Stilinski," I said to him. "What's a Stiles?" He then quickly shook his head. "Sorry" A tiny small cupped her lips. "It's okay I get that a lot," Stiles said.

"My name is Liam, Liam Dunbar," He said and reached a hand out for me to shake. "It's nice to meet you Liam" I shook his hand when my skin prickled and a cold shiver passes my spine. I only saw glimpse and pieces.

"I thought I heard someone..." Stiles had seen a limping Liam, coming out of a hospital room looking around as if he heard something. That's when Stiles heard an echo of Melissa's scream that was bouncing off the walls.

She was about to warn Liam when she realized that he was confronted by a boy who was covered in blood and started attacking Liam ruthlessly. "Liam!' She shouted over and over again but realized that he nor the boy can hear her.

She was then pulled out of that moment and to another one. She was on the hospital rooftop where the boy covered in blood was holding Liam in a chokehold near the edge of the building.

"Stop!" Stiles shouted she ran over to them and tried to push him off but her hands went straight through him.

"You don't need to do this, whatever it is, whatever you are, we can help you" She turned around to see Scott looking at him with a pleading face.

"No you can't," The boy said, his voice somewhat in distress. "Wendigos don't need help," He said while loosing his grip on Liam. "We need food!"

In all happened so fast one second Liam was over the edge and now he was struggling to get up with Scott helping and then Scott bit him. Stiles screamed when Liam started to scream too. She then saw out of the corner of her eyes a man without a mouth? Hatchet Sean in the back killing him.

".....iles" She blinks her eyes a couple of times and looks around. She was still in the infirmary with Liam in the cot looking at her worried. "You zone out for a second and you started moving her hand around and are those tattoos" Stiles quickly look down on her hands to see the markings on her hands again.

"I don't know" She quickly took her hands out of his hand and cradle them close to her chest. "Umm it's was nice to you" Stiles quickly wave him goodbye and run out of the room. Stiles breathes out a puff of air as she leans against the wall.

'What in the world?'

She mentally cursed her head for what the f**k was going on. She then heard noises she turn her head to see Scott and a boy walking, Stiles shoved her hands in her pocket and closed her eyes.

"I want to check on anyway" She heard him said. "I don't need to say it's not your fault right" She heard the black boy said. "I don't know" The quilt was clear in his voice. "Scott, you didn't do it on purpose, if you had more power that kid wouldn't be limping," The boy told Scott.

"He'd be crawling, back to the other half of his body," The boy said while placing a hand on his shoulder. "If I hadn't been so worried about being captain he wouldn't be hurt either" Wow this was all about being the captain of the lacrosse team.

Stiles realized that they weren't talking anymore, she opened her eyes and look to the side to see them standing there staring at her. She noticed the look on Scott's face and it was pure quilt.

She quickly shakes off the chill she was feeling and walk past them to the girl's locker room.


Hey guys! I have news and not the good type,

I won't be updating until June 19 because I need to focus more on my online class since it will be over in two weeks time,

So please bare with me,

See ya soon,

Sunshine fairy 15💋

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