🐾To Kill or Be Killed🐾

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Third Person POV

For the rest of the day, Stiles was terrified. She would flinch if Heather or Danny touched her. Stiles had apologized to them for her weird behavior. Heather thinks that this has something to do with Stiles screaming in the bathroom.

Before they had left Heather had spotted a small portion of moss on the floor where Stiles was sitting. Heather had gritted her teeth and cursed a hundred things in her head.

She had lead Stiles to the nurse's office and let her sleep there, well until lunchtime. Stiles had woken up ten minutes late but they still managed to make it to the cafeteria in time.

Danny had saved them a spot where they and I mean Heather and Danny were eating, Stiles taste buds were still a bit sour and messed up so she didn't eat anything. Claimed that she wasn't hungry anyway.

The rest of the day went by in a blur. Chemistry and Physics with Danny weren't all that bad, Stiles was surprised that she didn't see Mr. Harris but according to Danny, he had died. Stiles may look upset on the outside but on the inside, she was grateful that he's died.

No offense to dead Mr. Harris but goodness that man is a nightmare. Stiles was always a smart kid and somehow Stiles knew that Mr. Harris didn't like that so he had made her life a living hell.

When school was over Danny had to go home because he's mother needed him. Stiles and Heather had gone to the supermarket to get some snacks that could go with Stiles's taste buds.

"I don't think this is going to work," Stiles said, she was pushing the trolley while Heather was looking at some snacks, they were in the snacks aisle. "I can't have you starving yourself because of your taste buds" Stiles pushed the trolley once Heather gesture to go on.

"Whatever you say," Stiles said as she rolls her eyes. Heather had ignored her and continue to look at the snacks on the shelves. She looked up when she heard chatting and saw Lydia, Malia, Allison, Kira, and Erica entered the building.

"Great" She muttered, as she looked back at the shelf. Stiles's head was somewhere else because she was looking around the aisle not giving a damn about where she was. "Okay, I'm bored" She whined at Heather. "Than make this easier and look for something you'd like to eat" Stiles smiled and walk away to the aisle where the drinks were.

She was looking at Coke and Pepsi when someone had touched her arm and spin her around to face them. "Hmm, you'll be a perfect bait" Stiles look at the person, he could've been at least in his early twenties.

"Who the hell are you and why are you manhandling me?" Stiles said she had inched further in the shelf because God has this man ever had something called breathe mint. "The target, Heather Montgomery" Stiles narrowed her eyes.

"I know her why do you care?" The man smirked at Stiles before gripping her arm, Stiles cried out in pain. "Good, where is she?" Before Stiles could say anything the man was thrown off her. "She's right here" Stiles looks up to see Heather.

"Bitch" A gun was pointed at Stiles. "Now I'll make this quick" He had pointed at Stiles but he's eyes were trained on Heather. "Come with me or she gets it" Stiles felt a hand on her throat.

"Just let her go" Stiles saw Heather's twitched. "Good" The man turned to face Heather and Stiles took the opportunity to punch him. He stumbled away from her, Heather grab his left hand and twisted it.

"Es Ella, Ella está aquí!" Before either of the women could react, gunshots filled the air. Heather grabbed Stiles and shield her from the glass that was falling in the air. Screams filled the air before heavy footsteps in the supermarket.

"Scatter out and bring her here dead or alive!" One of the men shouted. "Heather we have to get out of here" Heather glared at the man on the floor, she raised her fist punching him knocking him out cold.

"We have to get everyone out of here before someone gets hurt" Stiles was about to get up when Heather's hand grasped her. "No, you are staying with me" Stiles rolled her eyes but nodded.

The two both women stand up. Heather gripped Stiles had and looked around before they could turn the corner Lydia's face turn up along with Kira, Erica, Allison, and Malia along.

"They're eight off them," Erica said but she tilted her head and look at the unconscious man on the floor. "Minus one" Heather rolled her eyes. "They're here for me we need to get everyone out of here" Before they could move they heard some cocked their gun.

"Too late for that" A man dressed in all black said. "One man down," He said when he saw the knocked out man on the floor. "Now give me the girl and" He's eyes traced over to the other ladies and he smirks.

"It looks like today is my lucky day" He pointed his gun ready to shot. Heather pushed Stiles behind and stretched her hands out. She focuses on drawing the weapon to her and on the gun's magnet.

The gun shakes it the man's hand before it slipped out and levitated to Heather. Once the gun was in her palms she winked at him and shot him in the knee. All the girls look at Heather shocked.

"I'll explain later," She said to Stiles rather than the other girls."Let's get to work!" She shouted, she grabs Stiles hand and ran off the opposite direction.


See ya soon

Sunshine fairy 15💋

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