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It's about four years after the strike. I'm wearing a black suit and my cap. The other newsies wear suits and a few others also wear their caps.

Esther finally opens the door, wearing a white dress.

(I wanted the dress to stick to the time period so it couldn't really be fancy like a modern dress and she isnt the richest person in the world so it had to be something like this

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(I wanted the dress to stick to the time period so it couldn't really be fancy like a modern dress and she isnt the richest person in the world so it had to be something like this.)

Her curls frame her beaming face and her gray eyes shine. She holds a bouquet of white and yellow flowers tied with two matching laces.

"Well, what are your thoughts?"

I thought that she looked beautiful. I thought she looked like an angel. No. I thought she was an angel. I thought that she had grown so much from when I found her, broken, crying on the Refuge steps. I thought that she had grown into a kind, amazing, smart, and downright beautiful human being. I thought that she was one of the bravest people I know. I thought of her contagious smile. I thought she would be a great mother when the time comes.

I thought so many things at that moment.

I couldn't possibly spew them all out.

So I said this. "I think you look perfect."


The walk to the church reminded me of the walk to the cellar that one night. We were all chatting really loud  and then telling each other to stop their bawling and things like that.

Race took the position of ring bearer and Jojo found a good nun to marry them. It was the same nun who talked to Elmer the day Davey arrived. Esther didn't know many girl newsies so Davey was man of honor. Because of Morris being arrested, Crutchie was best man. Les and Cole threw the flowers. Harvey, Specs, Spot, Tommy Boy, and Mush were bridesmen because, again, she did not know very many girl newsies. Henry was in charge of food. Elmer did the decorations. My favorite one is the sign above the priest that said "Carrying the Bouquet."

The ceremony was going to be held in Newsies Square. The others take their seats and places while Race and the rest of us involved in the ceremony itself walked behind a building.

After about a half an hour wait, music started playing.

(Play the song up top. Only listen to the first one though.)

Esther's face lit up, recognizing it instantly. She said her mother had a music box that played this song and that is the reason why we chose it.

It was finally time for her to walk down the isle. In our case, square. We link arms and start walking towards the priest. Oscar stands next to him in sharp suit. He stares into Esther's eyes and she stares back at him. I see the connection.

Once we get there, Esther hugs me, and the two turn to each other. The music slowly fades.

I didn't listen to the vows. I just watched my sister. She stood there with a huge grin on her face the entire time. I feel a fat tear on my cheek. I'm not one to cry at things like these normally.

But I am.

If I didn't give Esther and Oscar the okay, none of this would be here. I wouldn't be in Newsies Square right now, watching my adopted little sister be married to the man of her dreams.

"You may now kiss the bride!" Oscar dips her and their eyes close and lips lock. We all cheer. The newsies wearing caps threw them into the air.

Talk about seizing the day.


The reception was amazing. Henry brought more than sandwiches. Elmer was doing some flirting with a redhead who Esther had called Ivy.

After we ate, it was time for the dancing.

Esther and Oscar moved the middle of us and started to slow dance.

Esther had laid her head on his chest the entire time, which was adorable.

They stop and Esther pulls me out from the front. I was the closest thing she had to a dad so I was going to be the one dancing with her.

We hold hands and she looks into my eyes, smiling sweetly. The music starts up again and we dance.

I never wanted that night to end.

Wow. This is the final chapter, you guys. Again, this was so fun to write and am kinda sad, to be honest. Thank you for reading this story and I really hope you enjoyed it.

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