Chapter one: Johnny

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Pony's POV

I was at home after school with no homework on a Friday. Soda and Darry were not home yet, a knock at the door. I look at the door and open it up seeing a small 16 abused boy before me.

"Johnnycake? You never come here." I looked at him " Why are you all cut up and bruised? Get I'm here.." I insisted dragging him in the house, he stood for a minute before I said to lay on the couch. I got some medical stuff before I came out and looked at him for a few minutes. "Your old man got ya?" I ask he just nodded and I look at his cuts and I clean em' up. I look at him before I get up, "Johnny," I say to him.

"Yeah, Pony." he said to me looking up at me with his big black eyes."

"Your jacket on this side, it's red and cut. Did he cut you there?"


"Why didn't ya tell me? No matter that, I'll fix that up, take off your jacket.'' he takes off his jacket that revealed a large scare. "JOHNNY!" I say almost screaming, he went to look at it, I covered his eyes. "Don't look at it, it will make it worse." I clean it out and bandage it up. Then the whole gang came bursting through the door. Two-bit broke the screen door when he jumped through. "Glory Two-bit, you broke the door again." I took the supplies back and fixed the door and when I look up everyone was crowding Johnny.

"Glory kid, your pretty banged up." Dally said pushing back Johnny's hair. "Old man get ya?" Johnny nodded, Soda sat down by him rubbing Johnny's back.

"You might want to get some sleep, you look tiered." He patted Johnny on the back and sat up. I waved him to my room and we sat on my bed together. Johnny picked up a book I was writing on my desk.

"What's this?" Johnny asked me picking it up.

"Oh I'm writing a book for extra credit, I'm almost failing that class. You wanna hear my terrible story?" He smiled and nodded, while I was reading it a pome was in there I wrote my self.
The sun will rise
The sun will stay
The sun will live
Then the sun will set
Just like people.
He liked that, we loved sunsets that's one thing we had in common. Then his head fell on my lap, he turned white "Johnny?" I say shaking him "JOHNNY!" everyone ran in and Soda took a look at Johnny's arm.

"Darry get the sewing kit!" Soda demanded pointing to Darry. Darry ran and came running back throwing a box at Soda, Soda patched Johnny up and put the bandage on. "If the poor kid lost more blood he'd be dead," Soda moved Johnny's hair, "he'll be okay now." The gang left speechless and Two-bit started the noise again. I looked at Johnny's cute little face, on my lap. A few minutes later he wakes up and lifts his head off my lap.

"Hey, I was worried about you, how you feelin?'" I ask him pushing his hair out of the way of his eyes.

''Okay now." He says quietly. He smiles a bit and right then I wanted to kiss his lips. I hugged him,

"Pony, why are you squeezing me with your body?" Johnny asks me.

"It's called a hug." I felt so sorry for him and wanted to cry. I pulled away, I put my head on top of his "You look tuff with your scars."

"Tough like strong or tuff like cool?" he asks me.

"Both." I say fixing his hair again. We could never keep it back, his tuff hair. I kiss his forehead after a while, he was burning up.

"Johnny, your burning up." I say to him pulling away from him. "You feel okay?" I fell his cheeks that are red from blushing and hotness. (temp. not like cuteness.)

Johnny X Pony (The Outsiders)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon