Chapter 5

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She woke up again in that same room. Her arms and ankles were still chained. How long had it been since she got locked up here? She did not know. It felt like months. 

She looked at her chained arms helplessly. Nothing had changed except for the new scars she had received. She sighed. Was she really going to die here? She remembered the outside world. Her contact with it was as brief as a shooting star, though it was enough to make her long to see the light of day again. One tear streamed down her cheek, then another, and soon enough, she was crying. She covered her face with her hands to hide her tears. As she was remembering the outside world and the bright sun she fell in love with, another image quickly came forward. An image of her, knife in her right hand, surrounded by corpses and a pool of blood. Now, she could not stop crying. These Ministry men had made her a murderer and this image would never leave her. She could still relive this scene, feel the knife entering the flesh and the blood pouring out of the wound, covering her. She shook her head as if to chase this image, but it did not help. 

Someone started to open the door. She quickly wiped her tears, trying to regain her composure. A man came in, locked the door behind him and went towards her. He untied her and smiled, though it was one of those toothy grins. A thrill ran down her spine. Contrary to the last time something similar happened, he did not have any weapon. But soon enough, he got a wand out. 

Hestia's eyes widened as she understood what was happening. She immediately started to run to the opposite side of the room, but it was way too small. She could not hide. 

« Globus flau » he said as he grinned and pointed towards the girl. 

She tried her best to dodge the attacks. But as soon as she avoided the last one, he conjured other fireballs. She dodged again, and the same scenario happened again. Dodging became more and more difficult as time passed, and the girl was getting tired. Soon enough, one of the fireballs touched her leg, then another hit her arm. She fell onto the ground, not able to stand anymore. 

The man looked up, seemingly talking to someone, though no one was in the room, and he talked:

« Special resistance to magic: none. » 

Then, he grabbed the girl by the arm and forced her back into her bed, chaining her once again and left. 

She slowly glanced at the door as it was closing, lifted her arm with difficulty trying to leave as well before losing consciousness. 

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