Chapter 7

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Soldiers were after her, so she continued running. She turned in a street, then in another, trying to lose her pursuers. But they were still behind her. 

Won't they leave me alone?

She continued to run, now leaving town to enter a forest. It would be hard for them to follow her here. She mentally thanked her father and Viktor for enhancing her speed and stamina as well as all the rest of her physical abilities before remembering they were the reason why she had been chased and held captive. 

The soldiers were still behind her, though she was slowly but surely gaining ground. They were well trained. Too well trained. 

She looked up as she ran and suddenly had an idea. She climbed a tree as quickly as a cat would have and started to run from one tree to the other. Her pursuers gazed shockingly at the tree as they tried their best to not lose her. She used the forest features to hide from their sight, choosing the most provided trees. When she was on a really old and provided tree, she suddenly stopped and crouched down to disappear.

As expected, her pursuers continued running, trying to see her. They soon disappeared from her sight. Then, as quietly as she could, she got up and ran the other way. 

She did not know how long she had been running but she was slowly losing stamina and running from tree to tree was becoming too dangerous. After the third time of her almost falling, she decided to go down and run on the ground. She continued running for what felt like hours. 

Her stamina was starting to run dangerously low, but she continued to run. She wanted to see the light of day again, and the sun did not go through the trees. So she continued. Finally, the exit was seen. 

She finally set foot outside of the forest and collapsed. 

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