Chapter 1 New Day, New Hero

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Well let's start from the beginning my name is OnGoing The Gamer X I'm a half human half gamer hybrid so I got the aprence of a human but I also got the powers of a gamer and I can switch to my Gamer form anytime I want.

Why am I half human half gamer you might asking is it beacuse of some type of prophecy wel no it's not that stupid crap no.

The reason is my mum is a human and my dad is a gamer.

Gamers are kind of like the toons from that one movie about a live-action detective and a cartoon rabbit but instead of doing cartoons and movies we work on video games well some of us well others need to get human jobs which makes sense for me I mean I got powers but I'm not a stong gamer.

Oh hey is that my gamer buddy said a girl that was standing behind me.

Hello Jenny how are you doing today? I asked 

I'm fine my dad is just working on his science experiments at his school. Jenny explained to me.

Okay cool. Quick qustion do you get the feeling that your dad hates me? I qustioned.

I don't know why? Jenny asked.

Well it's because every time he sees me he looks like he wants to kill me or something. I explained.

Jenny was thinking about it because she didn't know that her dad was acting stange towards her friend.

Why don't we go and see him. Jenny suggested

I said Okay let's go then we went to the school that Jenny's dad works at but when we got there we spotted something through the windows and Jenny was not liking the look of it.

No no no no why would my dad take powers away from some of the gamers!? Jenny asked in a panic.

I walked into the science lab.

HEY JACK SHIFTER! I shouted out loud.

Well well if ain't my daughter's annoying friend OnGoing The Gamer X. What the hell do you think you're doing here? Shfiter asked with a angry face.

I'm here to stop you from hurting these gamers. I explained.

I see but the thing is OnGoing is that all gamers shouldn't exist and seeing they're not human they should be killed and destryoed and have they're powers taken away ans given to humans instead. Shifter explained.

I've had enough of hearing his stupid crap and then punched him in the face and he was not happy with that.

Ouch ah you son of a. OW! Shifter yelled.

Stay down while I call the cops. I said as I got my phone out and explaied everything to the police.

10 minutes later the poilce arrived and took Shifter away just but not before looked at me all angry and gave me a warning.

Listen here OnGoing my daughter maybe on your side and you may have beat me but remember this if you think I won't get my revenge on you think again.

That warning made feel nervous and made my heart skip a beat because it sounded like he was planning something I just had no idea what it was.

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