Chapter 6 Get to the bar

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Meanwhile Shifter & Goldar were in their base talking about how to kill me.

So you got magic powers now. How the hell did you get them? Shifter asked.

Well that was simple I took a magic gamer's DNA by tricking him into thinking it was test for a new project and when I injected with the needle his powers were gone and then I injected myselfe with his DNA and then I killed him by usuing his magic on him. Goldar explained.

Shifter was amazed.

Good job now we can finally kill that annoying cheeky gamer. said Shifter

Yeah but there's a problem my magic is limitted and it takes a long time to recharge. Goldar explained.

How long? Shifter asked.

10 hours. said Goldar.

Shifter got annoyed.

Oh son of bitch. said Shifter.

Then they both looked at the tv and saw me on there.

Don't worry Shifter we can still go through with our plan. said Goldar.

Meanwhile I was teaching Mayer how to play video games.

Okay now boost through all the evil robots by pressing this button. I said

Damn I failed it again. said Mayer.

Don't worry you've been getting better. I said.

I was about to walk to bakc to my room until I relized something.

Wait Mayer do you know how you got hurt before I saved you? I asked.

Mayer looked down all said.

My creator was showing some magic tricks and we were having fun until a 18 year old woman walked in and stole his powrs and killed him she saw me and I managed to escape but she got me before I was out and then that's were you found me. Mayer explained.

Just then we heard some vechles pull over and I saw Jack Shifter come out of one of them and he looked like he got powers.


Mayer grabbed my hand and flew me out of there before they could see us.

Where should we go? Mayer asked

I know where to go. I said

A few minutes later we arrived at Jenny's.

OnGoing what the hell are you doing here? Jenny asked.

Okay so your dad has escaped from prison and is trying to kill me. I expalained

Jenny looked at Mayer.

Who's this? Jenny asked.

Oh this my new friend I met yesterday her name is Mayer. I explained.

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