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The sound of chains rattling is what woke Arthur up, unfortunately, it was too dark to make out anything to determine his location, and the last thing he remembers is Merlin screaming at him to run, then nothing. At last, his eyes seemed to adjust enough to make out a movement from next to him, but before he could do anything to figure out what it was, the door opened, and someone walked in, he couldn't make out who, however.

"Well, Merlin, you can't thwart my plans this time, Camelot will be mine, and there's nothing you can do about it." A harsh feminine voice spoke.


"Really, Morgana, I don't think I'm the one you need to worry about, am I?" Merlin retorted, causing Morgana to stiffen and tremble.

Who would make Morgana so frightened?

"No, I don't have to worry about you anymore, you're right." The witch answered grabbing a dagger before striding over to Merlin. Arthur's eyes widened at the sight.

"Really? After everything else you've done, you think a dagger is the way to go?" The manservant asked incredulously.

What has she done?

"But this isn't a regular dagger, no, this one is special, it is poisoned, it burns through whatever it comes in contact with, like this." Morgana replied, as she ran the blade of the dagger across Merlin's arm, only nothing happened, she tried again, still nothing.

"Why isn't it working?" Morgana muttered and got up, and walked towards the door "Emrys, you got lucky this time." The Witch said as she shut the door.

Emrys? Who's that?

"Merlin?" Arthur piped up, as Merlin jumped, "What was that?"

"How long have you been awake for?" Merlin asked worriedly,

"Long enough. Whose Emrys?"

"A Warlock who is said to be the protector of the Once and Future King, and Morgana's doom, since you're the Once and Future King, she is always paranoid."

"Do you know who, this Emrys is?"

"Maybe, that depends, are you going to kill him when we get back to Camelot?"

"No, not if he has been protecting me, this whole time, which would explain the branches falling and arrows missing their originally intended target at the last second."

"And if you found out he had been lying to protect himself, to save your prat-ish behind?" Merlin asked, as one of the bandits that attacked them came in, along with Morgana.

"So, Merlin you know who Emrys is, do you?" Morgana stated as she got closer, "Why don't you share that valuable information?" Merlin nodded his head, leaving everyone shocked.

"Sorry, Arthur." Merlin apologized before closing his eyes, as Morgana and the bandits were thrown back while the King's chains fell off, as the King and his manservant ran out of the building, and the warlock led them to a cave, since they were too far to run all the way to Camelot.

"Thank you, Emrys." Arthur began as he sat by the fire Merlin had started, "Do you want to help rewrite Camelot's laws, since they seem to need some change?" Merlin looked up in shock, before nodding his head, a large grin on his face.

{A/N: I apologize this one isn't that good, I started with an ending in mind but I changed it half way through.}

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