Chapter 1

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From the author's desk:

This is the second part of my "How It Should Have Ended (A Ji Hoo and Jan Di story)" story. Since it looks like more than one person read that story and asked me to continue, I'm writing this short story for them! Thank you, dear readers for inspiring me and giving me the push to write more. If you haven't read it yet, please go and read "Boys Before Flowers: How It Should Have Ended (A JiHoo and JanDi story)" first and then write a review on that one!

It is a short read but I've been told quite an enjoyable one.

This story is a continuation of my previous work. It tells of the life of the group and their adventures (or misadventures, ha ha) after the Bonus Chapter in Part 1. I don't want to divulge too much so just read on to learn more! I hope you enjoy it!


#givingJiHooAHappyEnding #janhoo #jandi #jihoo #soeul #woobin #gaeul #yijung #junpyo

Chapter 1

Ji Hoo glanced at the clock on the wall in his office. It was almost 9 o'clock in the evening and he was still busy filling out paperwork. His shift had ended half an hour ago. He had told Jan Di not to wait for him since he didn't know what time he was going to be out. Even though he had given her his schedule, it changed so frequently that they often just used it as a guideline. Most of the time he worked more hours than what his schedule dictated, especially if he had paperwork to do.

He yawned, stretched, and started packing up his things. He was just getting to his car when he saw Jan Di step onto the bus across the street. He ran towards the bus, yelling her name, but she didn't seem to hear him. He saw her sit at the back of the almost empty bus and close her eyes immediately.

Ji Hoo ran back to his car and floored on the gas.


Jan Di knew she shouldn't wait for Ji Hoo, but she hadn't seen him all day so she decided to hang around the hospital for a while. She even brought a book to read while she waited. Halfway through reading, she started nodding off.

She looked at her watch. It was almost 9 o'clock. She sighed, feeling a little sad that she won't see him tonight.

Ji Hoo had told her to call Mr. Gil (Ji Hoo's chauffeur) to pick her up but she always felt bad bothering the poor man so she decided to take the bus instead.

She was so tired that when the bus stopped in front of her she simply stood there, unmoving, not realizing that it was her bus.

"Are you getting in or not?" The bus driver asked, irritably.

Jan Di bowed an apology, then hopped in. The bus was almost empty so she went all the way to the back and sat down. She fell asleep instantly.

It was ten minutes later when Jan Di woke up and realized, to her horror, that she had fallen asleep on someone's shoulder.

No, not just their shoulder, whoever it was had their arm wrapped around her and she was snuggled onto his chest. She turned red, and made a face. She wrinkled her brows trying to remember if there was someone there when she sat down, but her mind was hazy.

She tentatively opened one eye and looked up.

Ji Hoo sat there beside her, eyes closed. He was breathing softly. His head leaned lightly onto hers.

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