Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Woo Bin's little 'accident' caused some minor delay in planning Yi Jung's grand proposal. (This was what he had named their project: The Grand Proposal).

They sat at the coffee house again one night; Woo Bin's leg in a cast, Jan Di feeling down in the dumps. Ji Hoo had tried calling her earlier that day but she was busy helping her mother make kimchi so she missed his call. She had no idea how to talk to him about the picture anyway. She was terrified that if she brought it up her worst fears would be confirmed. She decided that she would ask him about it when he got back – so they could talk face-to-face about what it meant and where they stood in their relationship. Ji Hoo had sounded pretty normal during their last few conversations on the phone – either he was feigning ignorance or he really had no clue. It confounded her even more.

Only Yi Jung was in bright spirits.

"Hey, how come we always meet at this coffee house?" Yi Jung stated, his voice low enough for just the three of them to hear. "I mean, I know Jan Di works just across from here but she doesn't even have work today."

Woo Bin gave him a knowing grin. "I like the coffee here."

"I found one that serves better coffee," Yi Jung declared. "It's near Gangnam. They have this type of coffee called cat-poop coffee." Jan Di wrinkled her nose as Yi Jung continued. "Apparently, they get cats to eat the beans and then they poop it out and they turn it into coffee. It's the most expensive coffee in the world."

Woo Bin gaped at him. " can keep your cat-poop coffee to yourself." He had his leg stretched out on the knee scooter. She had brought it to the coffee house for him, despite his protests. "I'll drink my poor-people coffee."

(Thankfully, Yi Jung was too focused on his "Grand Proposal" to notice or comment on the scooter.)

"So, I went and found a place," Yi Jung went on, as he spread a map on the table. He pointed to a place to the south of Seoul. "It's an exclusive golf course with the most breathtaking view of the ocean. Not that we'll see it because we'll be doing this at night. I already spoke to them and they'll have the central gazebo there all decked out for us."

Jan Di tried her best to be excited. This was for her best friend Ga Eul, after all. She clapped him on the back. "Great job! Did you set the date yet?"

Yi Jung frowned. "I need Ji Hoo there. He's kind of my lead musician. Are you sure he's back this Thursday?"

At the mention of Ji Hoo, Jan Di's spirits plummeted again. "That's what he said."

She wasn't sure of anything anymore.

"Then I'll set it for Saturday," Yi Jung decided. He elbowed Woo Bin. "You've been practicing your part, haven't you?"

Woo Bin smirked. "I don't need to practice that much."

Hye Jin appeared at their table carrying a tray with three cups of coffee. She set it down in front of each of them. She paused in front of Woo Bin and gave him a shy smile, then she went back to the counter.

"Hey, how come you've got way more foam on yours than mine?" Yi Jung compared the two cups.

"Why are you complaining?" Woo Bin smiled smugly as he sipped his coffee. "Don't you prefer cat-poop?"

"Cat-poop coffee," Yi Jung corrected. "Don't knock it till you try it."

"Yi Jung, I will always, always, knock it." Woo Bin jeered at him.

Yi Jung ignored him and turned to face her. "I'll need you to distract Ga Eul until it's time okay? We'll have all the lights out except for some tiki torches to light the path and then when she's at the center we'll start playing the song and after the song we'll turn all the lights on." He wrote down some notes on a piece of paper. "That's when I'll walk towards her and present her with the rings." He scribbled down some more. "Oh, we'll have the whole place decorated with thousands of roses." He looked at her again. "I'll need you to walk with her to the center and wait with her until we finish our song so she doesn't suspect anything, okay?"

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