Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Woo Bin sat in his car outside the coffee house across the street from the hospital. He was parked near the back alley of the store, waiting for Jan Di and Yi Jung to arrive. They were supposed to discuss possible locations for Yi Jung's grand proposal.

He glanced at his watch. It was a quarter to nine in the evening. It was dark now, the only lights coming from the lamp posts that were scattered sparingly around.

He noticed a small figure come out of the back door of the store, lugging two big garbage bags full of stuff. It took him a few seconds to recognize the short haircut and white and black uniform.

Hey, it's that server who always blushes around me, he thought, amused.

She passed by two men standing by another door a few feet from where she appeared. He watched her disappear even further down the dark alleyway.

He saw one of the men nudge the other guy and both of them followed her as they too, disappeared down the alley.

Woo Bin's senses came alive.

Oh no, you don't. He thought, furious. He thought of the tiny and fragile girl in the hands of the two men as he ran down the alley. When I get my hands on you two...he imagined all sorts of pain he had in store for them.

He turned the corner and didn't notice that the ground there was a couple of steps lower than where he was. He tripped, causing his entire weight to crash down on one leg, and fell face first on to the ground. His mind blanked out for a split second as pain racked his entire body. He looked up and saw her standing there, eyeing him curiously.

The two men were beside her, each of them holding a garbage bag that they hurled across to the big black dumpster behind them. She thanked them both and then ran to him.

"Are you okay?" She asked, wide eyed with concern.

Woo Bin wanted to curse out loud. He tried to move his left leg but felt excruciating pain whenever he moved it. He grimaced and nodded.

She tried to help him sit up but he was too heavy. He pulled himself up, wincing with each move, and then tried to assess his situation.

He might have a broken leg, he guessed.

What an idiot, he scolded himself. Way to make an entrance.

She sat there beside him, biting her lower lip. She had the biggest round eyes he had ever seen.

His phone rang. It was Yi Jung.

"Where the heck are you?"

"Umm..." he turned away from her, embarrassed. "I had a little...accident."

Yi Jung scoffed. "Your car's out here. I don't see a dent."

He sighed. "I'm at the back. Just come here." He hung up.

Hye Jin sat there, still as a statue. Her eyes darted nervously around. After a few minutes, she turned to face him. "Can I help you in anyway?"

He heard footsteps and saw Jan Di and Yi Jung appear.

"What happened?" Yi Jung asked, genuine concern in his voice. "Did you get hurt beating up some guys?"

Woo Bin wanted to hide in a hole somewhere. The girl's eyes widened and then she lowered her gaze.

Jan Di walked towards him and examined his leg. He flinched every time she touched it.

"We better get you to the hospital," she said after a while.

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